Category: Technology

The Egyptian Navy

In eternal competition with the army and air force 3,000 years before the turn of time, one of the early advanced civilisations emerged on the Nile, but the Egyptians were initially focused on their inland: "Maritime" activities - both military and mercantile - only took place on the Nile. It was only with the expansion of regional influence that the open sea also gained in importance. Pharaoh Thutmose III (1486-1425 BC) finally founded the first navy and had numerous ships built at a shipyard in Memphis, which was huge by the standards of the time, to support his campaigns into Babylonia. However, these were mostly only used to transport troops, horses and material across the eastern...

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Die Lenkflugkörper - Systeme der Deutschen Marine

Sachstand und Nachfolgeplanung Die vorliegenden Entscheidungen zur Neuausrichtung der Bundeswehr und somit auch der Marine zielen auf eine strikte Einsatzorientierung der Streitkräfte ab. So hat sich die Deutsche Marine basierend auf der Konzeption der Bundeswehr weiter in Richtung ihrer neuen Aufgaben ausgerichtet. Die deutschen Seestreitkräfte tragen zu militärischen Operationen durch den Schutz von Aufmarsch und Verlegung bei und ermöglichen bzw. sichern den Zugang zum jeweiligen Operationsgebiet. Sie unterstützen eigene an oder über Land operierende Kräfte von See aus und stellen die Nutzung der See als Basis für streitkräftegemeinsame Operationen sicher (Basis See). Die Bekämpfung gegnerischer Seestreitkräfte in der Landes-...

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F125 - The road to operational readiness

Modern and innovative - After project planning and many years of production, the testing period for the "Baden-Württemberg" began in April of this year with the first sea voyage, the so-called shipyard test voyage, and thus the proof of the required performance capability began. At the end of the two-year process, in addition to the usability of the frigate "Baden-Württemberg", a statement will also be made for the entire Class 125. The upcoming trial phase will not only concern the material and operational aspects, but will also include a review of the assumptions made and technical support for the multi-crew model. The milestone reached is reason enough to take another look at the Class 125 frigate project from the perspective of the Navy from the following aspects. The operational load for the German Navy has increased steadily in recent times. The fleet is simultaneously providing units for four different mandated missions. In addition, there are obligations within the framework of NATO's Standing Maritime Groups and participation in joint exercises. This is accompanied by the simultaneous decommissioning of units, such as the Class 122 frigates and the Class 143A fast patrol boats. The number of platforms available for operational tasks is also influenced by the extensive measures to maintain the operational readiness of Class 123 frigates and the hardware regeneration for Class 124. This makes it all the more important that the four Class 125 frigates are delivered as quickly as possible and on time, and that they are available for operational tasks. This article will describe the path to this goal and point out...

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Sea Lynx: Im Bann der Rotoren mit Faszination für Technik

„Sag mal hast Du deine Kamera dabei, da kommt nachher ein Lynx zum Tanken und ich brauch ein paar neue Bilder an der Wand!“ So oder ähnlich verlief der Dialog mit dem Außenstellenleiter SAR in Warnemünde im Februar 2017. Ab März 2019 ging es zu zweit richtig los und das Profil von HelispotterMV wurde in den sozialen Netzwerken erstellt. Nur die Hubschrauber der Marine sollten es sein. Im Ergebnis sind es aber auch Fotos von den Hubschraubern der Polizei und Unternehmen mit Aufgaben in der Luftrettung. Vornehmlich aber eben die Marineflieger. Als Marinesoldaten fast schon selbstverständlich. Manch einer fragt...

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Buster - Multi-reel organic boats for F125

With the acceptance of the first two operational boats and the functional verification runs of the first two Class 125 frigates "Baden-Württemberg" and "Rheinland-Pfalz", sufficient experience has been gained with the new buster boat type to make an assessment of its performance on the basis of practical experience - even if a final statement on this can only be made on the basis of proper driving and operational reports from the busters. Buster 19, the training boat for the naval battalion, has been in use since December 2015, while Buster 20 for the naval technology school (MTS) was accepted by ARGE F125 in April. Buster 1 to 8 have now completed a number of hours of sea service with the first two vessels...

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