Die Seehunde des Troika-Systems haben sich im scharfen Räumeinsatz bewährt

The seals of the Troika system have proven themselves in sharp clearing operations

Deployment without deployment status

After the First Iraq War in 1991, the Persian Gulf was to be freed as soon as possible from the more than one thousand Mines be liberated. Despite many adversities, Germany made an important contribution with the South Flank Mine Defence Force.

The Iraq crisis began on 2 August 1990 with the invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi troops. While George H. W. Bush forged an anti-Iraq coalition in response and united states of the Islamic world, NATO and members of the Warsaw Pact with one goal, the Federal Republic of Germany kept its distance during the parallel unification process. Although it also supported the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the decisions of the European Community, a military deployment of the German Armed Forces was not an option. out of area rejected them. Nevertheless, the Alliance already had well-established mechanisms for other forms of support. In the declaration of the NATO defence ministers of 8 December 1982, the following were defined for such an eventuality in the spirit of a common burden sharing Compensation services in the Alliance area and logistical support are planned as a contribution. 

20 Sep 2021

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