Category: Marines from all over the world

Through thick and thin

The US Coast Guard is making progress on the construction of the new heavy icebreaker class. Bollinger Shipyards began cutting the first steel plates for the first Polar Security Cutter Class (PSC) unit at Bollinger Mississippi Shipbuilding in August. The type ship, the POLAR SENTINEL (PSC-1), is the first heavy icebreaker to be built in the United States in 50 years. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here to subscribe to marineforum digital+: Access to all articles from...

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Sweden's refocus on national defence

Many nations are taking part in the Swedish exercise Aurora 2023. Deu Marfor is taking over the command of NATO maritime units. Totalförsvar was the motto of the Swedish exercise Aurora 23 and means nothing less than total defence. Sweden gave expression to this term with the largest defence exercise on its own territory for 30 years, which took place from 24 April to 11 May. In total, more than 26,000 men and women took part. Totalförsvar is an integral part of the national defence plan, which sets out the cooperation between the military and civilian authorities and organisations in the event of a defence situation. After the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014, the...

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India's pride

With the commissioning of its first indigenous aircraft carrier in 2022, the Indian Navy took the step from buyer to manufacturer. Many components on board come from local production. With its first indigenous aircraft carrier, which is also the Indian Navy's largest warship to date, India is moving ever closer to a blue water navy with three aircraft carriers. With the INS Vikrant ("brave" in Sanskrit), India, in its 75th year of independence, has joined the elite club of nations with the significant capability to design and build an aircraft carrier domestically. This is the second aircraft carrier of the...

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Size counts

India sees itself as an up-and-coming nation and is becoming increasingly self-confident. This is also reflected in the country's maritime ambitions. India, a nuclear power, is single-mindedly expanding its navy. In addition to destroyers, frigates, corvettes and submarines, the armament and modernisation programme also includes aircraft carriers and strategic submarines. India's navy, which has long seen itself as a strong blue water navy capable of far-reaching operations, is thus growing into a regional maritime power in Southeast Asia and is striving for supremacy in the Indian Ocean. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password...

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Iran supplies missile speedboats to Venezuela

Venezuela - Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's close relations with the Iranian rulers are bearing fruit: although they are small, the two PEYKAAP III missile speedboats are not entirely without bite. One visit from the Iranian naval grouping circumnavigating the western world at the beginning of the year, and Venezuela already has the destabilising pinprick platforms with sea target FC, which were presented to the public as GOLETA EMPRENDEDORA and GOLETA INDEPENDENCIA at the end of July to mark the 200th anniversary of the Armada Bolivariana de Venezuela. They are 17 metres long and, at 14 tonnes, are real lightweights. Their two sea targets, FK Kowsar or Nasr, fly at subsonic speed and have a maximum...

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