Category: Marines from all over the world

Knowledge is power

For 140 years, the Office of Naval Intelligence has made an important contribution to the US Navy's information advantage. Today, several thousand employees use traditional methods and state-of-the-art equipment to gain the necessary knowledge. The American naval intelligence service, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), is the oldest foreign intelligence service in the United States. Its mission focuses on collecting and analysing scientific, technological, geopolitical and military information of maritime significance. This reconnaissance and analysis activity primarily serves the United States Naval Forces, but also complements the work of the other 16 foreign intelligence agencies of the United States. The Naval Intelligence Service was founded on 23 March 1882 to provide access marineforum digital+...

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Know thyself, German Navy!

There is no continuous and complete record of events in the navy. However, generational exchange and historical awareness form the foundation of our navy's resilience and ability to act. What applies as a call for self-reflection and personal development in personal life also applies to the navy: Recognise yourself! Get a picture of what makes you who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, what your history tells you about yourself. It is not necessarily advisable - or a good sign - if self-reflection leads to self-talk. For the Navy, however, this means that it should not only enter into dialogue with others,...

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MS Burgenland: Murder on board

During the Second World War, atrocities that are barely comprehensible today also took place on a ship off the South American coast. The story of the MS Burgenland shows the brutality of the Nazi era. "Being attacked by several heavy units. My location is about 7° south 26° west. Must sink ship, classified information has been destroyed." - This was the last message from the blockade runner MS Burgenland, which was received by the naval command of the Kriegsmarine on the evening of 5 January 1944. What was meant by classified information was to be the subject of a court case against the former naval attaché in Tokyo and head of the Naval Special Service East Asia, retired Admiral Paul Wenneker, in the mid-1960s....

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New frigates for Her Majesty's Navy

In addition to a common language, a common history and a common head of state, there are also unifying elements between the United Kingdom and its former colonies Australia and Canada in the area of defence. In recent years, a large-scale frigate project has been added to this. The Global Combat Ship - which the British Royal Navy refers to as the Type 26 Frigate or City class - originated in 1998 as a replacement for the 14 Type 22 frigates and 16 Type 23 frigates from the 1970s and 1980s, both of which were focussed on submarine hunting. Several fundamental decisions in the "infamous"...

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China's fishing militia

China is consolidating its territorial claims in the South China Sea with artificially created islands. Aggressive fishing fleets and maritime militias are also intended to ensure that its citizens are fed. The G7, NATO and EU meetings of the American president in June 2021 at the latest made Europeans realise that they need to reposition themselves with regard to the People's Republic of China. This is no longer just about flying the military flag in the South China Sea, but about the future political, economic and technological relationship with a country that has long been preparing to become the number one superpower. And the European Council on Foreign Relations states: "China...

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