Category: Marines from all over the world

Spain: New-build F-110 frigate ahead of schedule

Since April 2019, the state-owned Navantia shipyard has had a contract with the Spanish Navy for the construction of five F-110 multi-purpose frigates - first delivery in 2028, worth around 4.4 billion euros. Special new features of this type of ship are the block production in 33 hull sections introduced for the first time at Navantia and a land-based "digital twin", which each ship will receive in the sense of modern system management. Shipbuilding work on the type ship, the Almirante Bonifaz (F-111), began at Navantia in Ferrol in 2022 and is now allowing a critical look at the schedule. As expected, delays and delivery bottlenecks are usually explained verbosely and flowerily. Not so...

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Senegal: New patrol boats for Dakar at last

Walo, Niani and Cayor are Senegal's three newly built OPV 58S for Maritime Defence and State Action at Sea missions along its 300 kilometres of coastline. Piriou Group, a privately owned shipyard group based on the south coast of French Brittany, has delivered these three 62-metre multi-purpose vessels to the West African coastal state fully equipped and has once again proven itself to be a competent manufacturer of small but well-equipped guard boats. Just over four years have passed since the contract was signed until all three boats and their trained crews were transferred to Dakar within the last nine months. Equipped with Marte sea target FK, Simbad/Mistral air defence and...

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Technical vulnerability of Russian units - Are the sanctions taking effect?

In der Ukraine führt man akribisch Buch über alle Vorgänge in der Marine der Russischen Föderation. So berichtete Kiew Anfang Juni über einen Motorenbrand auf dem U-Jagd-Zerstörer ADMIRAL LEWTSCHENKO der Udaloy-Klasse (Projekt 1155, 164 Meter, 8.500 Tonnen) der Nordflotte in der Barents-See, auch wenn dieses Schiff niemals im Schwarzen Meer zu erwarten wäre. Obwohl russischerseits noch nicht bestätigt, scheinen die Schäden an Bord nicht unerheblich zu sein. Wichtiger ist aber ein anderer Aspekt: Die in den 80er Jahren im ukrainischen Mykolajiew gebauten Motoren sind seit 2014 mit Originalteilen und Hersteller-Expertise sowieso nicht versorgbar, aber wegen der Sanktionen gegen Russland...

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"Bulava" nuclear missile completes Russia's strategic triad

Am 7. Mai, dem Tag des Antritts seiner fünften Amtsperiode im Kreml, überreichte der russische Staatspräsident Vladimir Putin die "Indienststellungsurkunde" für die neue strategische Atomwaffe RSM-56 Bulawa – die "Streitkeule" – an die Marine. Eine noch aus den Anfängen der 80er Jahre stammende Generation strategischer Waffen an Bord verschiedener U-Boote mit logistisch recht aufwändigen, unterschiedlichen Antrieben in zunächst flüssiger, dann fester Form (SS-N-18, SS-N-23) hatte eigentlich eine Neuentwicklung zur Jahrtausendwende erforderlich gemacht. Auf anfängliche Konstruktionserfolge auch in ukrainischen Waffenschmieden folgten jedoch Fehlschüsse, die zu einer Neuentwicklung auf der Basis der fahrzeuggebundenen Atomwaffen der Topol-Serie führten. Auch dieser Ansatz scheiterte...

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Submarines for Indonesia: shopping tour in Paris

This purchase had also been in the pipeline for some time: at the end of March, Jakarta ordered two submarines of the "Scorpène Evolved" type from the Naval Group and its local shipbuilding partner PT PAL. which will be offered exclusively for export. After the somewhat larger boats of the Brazilian Riachuelo class, these would be the first ever models of the newer boat type to actually be built! It is not yet clear which model the island state has chosen, which comes in variants of 60 to 76 metres in length and 1,500 to 2,000 tonnes displacement (submerged). After the first two boats, there is still an option for four more, so that...

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