Category: Shipping

The responsibility of our navy

The Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 has taught us three things in no uncertain terms. Firstly, we are in the middle of a global clash of systems: Democracy, the rule of law and individual liberties are pitted against autocracy and dictatorship with censorship, surveillance and repression. Our social model and our fundamental values pose a direct threat to autocrats and dictators. We are therefore on the way to a quasi-bipolar world order of two camps with China and Russia on one side and the Western community of values on the other. Secondly, Europe is currently not in a position to prevent military aggression on its own soil.

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Know thyself, German Navy!

There is no continuous and complete record of events in the navy. However, generational exchange and historical awareness form the foundation of our navy's resilience and ability to act. What applies as a call for self-reflection and personal development in personal life also applies to the navy: Recognise yourself! Get a picture of what makes you who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, what your history tells you about yourself. It is not necessarily advisable - or a good sign - if self-reflection leads to self-talk. For the Navy, however, this means that it should not only enter into dialogue with others,...

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Weitere Milliarden für die Marine

Was die See- und Seeluftstreikräfte vom Sondervermögen zugewiesen bekommen Mit der zwischen der Ampelkoalition und der Union am 29. Mai erzielten Einigung auf das 100-Milliarden-Euro-Sondervermögen für die Bundeswehr zeichnen sich die Umrisse des zu erwartenden Beschaffungspaketes ab. Das veranschlagte “Sondervermögen Bundeswehr” soll sicherstellen, dass die Streitkräfte mit notwendigem Material ausgestattet werden, um ihren Verteidigungsauftrag erfüllen zu können. Das “Sondervermögen Bundeswehr” wird im Einzelplan (Epl.) 60 geführt. Der Wirtschaftsplan wurde nun veröffentlicht. Zugang marineforum digital+ Sie sind bereits registrierter Nutzer? Jetzt hier einloggen - auch MOV Mitglieder: Username Password Remember meLost your password? You still have...

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MS Burgenland: Murder on board

During the Second World War, atrocities that are barely comprehensible today also took place on a ship off the South American coast. The story of the MS Burgenland shows the brutality of the Nazi era. "Being attacked by several heavy units. My location is about 7° south 26° west. Must sink ship, classified information has been destroyed." - This was the last message from the blockade runner MS Burgenland, which was received by the naval command of the Kriegsmarine on the evening of 5 January 1944. What was meant by classified information was to be the subject of a court case against the former naval attaché in Tokyo and head of the Naval Special Service East Asia, retired Admiral Paul Wenneker, in the mid-1960s....

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Hapag-Lloyd: Anniversary of a German icon

On 27 May 2022, it will be 175 years since a group of Hanseatic merchants founded the Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft in Hamburg. The beginning was quite modest with three small packet sailers. First, the DEUTSCHLAND, a full-rigged ship of 538 gross register tonnes, left Hamburg on 15 October 1848, bound for New York. The company, which was later known simply as the Hamburg-America Line or Hapag for short, launched its first steamship in 1855 with the HAMMONIA, which was already 2026 gross register tonnes in size. A little later, in Bremen, the other major Hanseatic city on the North Sea, North German Lloyd was founded on 20 February 1857.

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