Category: Shipping

Tender class 404 - Supply ships of the German Navy

In keeping with our mission #meerverstehen, we want to reach not only the insiders, but also those interested in the navy. That's why we are launching the series "What is actually... " Today: a tender? Definition: A tender boat is actually a dinghy. Anyone who has ever been on a cruise will be familiar with the term, as they often have more than a dozen of them. In the German Navy, however, a tender is a support vessel for the boat squadron. They supply corvettes, minesweepers and even submarines on the high seas with fuel, water, food, spare parts and ammunition. At the same time, they also dispose of waste and have wastewater treatment facilities on board....

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Australia - Patrol Boat Concentration Period

Small boats are booming again - the flourishing market for coastguard and combat boats known as offshore patrol vessels is the best proof of this. However, coastal and shallow water operations need to be practised, especially for OPVs, which are usually stationed and operated individually, if these boats are to function together on an ad hoc basis and provide a capability when required. This also applies to the southern hemisphere: Australia recently brought together four of its thirteen ARMIDALE-class patrol boats stationed in the North and South regions in Darwin and practised various scenarios and capabilities together with the amphibious landing ship HMAS CANBERRA and an ANZAC-class frigate. This was the first time since...

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Im südchinesischen Meer ist Saison!

Nach der britischen Carrier Strike Group im August befährt schon wieder ein unscheinbarer Verband aus Trägergruppe und LCS-Fregatte das Seegebiet, um dort Flagge und Präsenz zu zeigen! Die USS TULSA (LCS 16, Littoral Combat Ship) der INDEPENDENCE-Klasse mit ihrer charakteristischen Trimaran-Bauweise ergänzt den Trägerverband um die USS CARL VINSON Carrier Strike Group (CVN 70, VINCSG) während der planmäßigen Freedom of Navigation Operations in dem von China entgegen internationaler Konventionen beanspruchten Seegebiet zwischen den Philippinen, Indonesien und Vietnam. Das für Flachwasser-Operationen optimierte LCS steuert der CSG zusätzliche Fähigkeiten bei, die über und unter Wasser in das Spektrum der Träger-Gruppe eingeübt...

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The unpleasant experiences of the HMS DIAMOND

HMS DIAMOND is actually an integral part of the British Carrier Strike Group 21 (CSG21), which, under the command of the aircraft carrier HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH, is on a post-Brexit demonstration tour halfway around the globe to Japan and back with HMS DEFENDER, a second Type 45 destroyer, two Type 23 frigates, two supply ships and initially also an ASTUTE nuclear submarine. DIAMOND has already had unpleasant experiences in the Mediterranean, but is now back on its own keel and passed through the Suez Canal at the end of August to join the CSG21 in the Western Pacific. What was officially described as "maintenance, inspection and any necessary repairs" at an Italian naval base...

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Suezkanal – Überraschende Mehreinnahmen

Trotz der tagelangen Sperrung Ende März durch die Havarie des Großcontainerschiffs EVER GIVEN (20 124 TEU) hat Ägypten in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2021 mit dem Sueskanal Rekordeinnahmen erzielt. Nach Mitteilung der Kanalbehörde SCA haben in den ersten sechs Monaten mehr als 9700 Schiffe die Wasserstraße durchfahren, rund 200 mehr als im gleichen Vorjahreszeitraum. Die dafür eingenommenen Gebühren beliefen sich auf rund drei Milliarden Dollar, eine Zunahme um 8,6 Prozent. Im gesamten, am 30. Juni endenden Geschäftsjahr 2020/2021 erbrachten rund 19 000 Schiffe Einnahmen von 5,84 Milliarden Dollar. Die EVER GIVEN hat inzwischen, nachdem sie über 100 Tage von den...

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