Category: Shipping

Geografie kommt vor Geschichte

Die Insellage hat den Charackter und das Denken der Briten maßgeblich beeinflusst. Von der anderen Seite des Kanals sieht manches eben anders aus. Ian Morris gilt als Historiker für die langen Linien. Vor gut zehn Jahren warf er in seinem Bestseller „Wer regiert die Welt?“ die grundlegende Frage auf, warum Zivilisationen herrschen oder beherrscht werden. Eine seiner Antworten passte in die damalige Zeit, die geprägt war von Interventionen westlicher Staaten, die oft mit Hilfe lokaler Kräfte in Afrika, auf dem Balkan, im Nahen Osten und am Hindukusch in regionale Konflikte eingriffen. Damals konnte man beim Ritt von Morris durch...

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Kiel dominates in naval shipbuilding

In marineforum 7/8-2022, Dieter Hanel traced the development of the Bundeswehr and navy in Kiel. In the second part, the author takes a look at the maritime industry in the state capital. With the rearmament of Germany and the formation of the Bundeswehr in 1955, the rebuilding of a German defence industry also began. On 16 March 1959, Kiel-based Howaldtswerke, which still had around 13,000 employees at the time, received an order from the Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement for the construction of twelve Class 201 submarines, based on the development results of the Lübeck engineering office. 12 December 1959 was the...

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Seven lives, seven adventures

Rarely had a yacht from the Krupp Gemania shipyard in Kiel led such an adventurous life as the luxury yacht ARGOSY. It began as a luxury yacht, spanned four wars and ended as it had begun many years earlier. In 1931, in the midst of the global financial crisis of the 1930s, the Germania shipyard delivered the ARGOSY. While the New York Stock Exchange collapsed in 1929, huge fortunes evaporated and countries went bankrupt, the wealthy could still afford a brand new luxury yacht. For example, Charles A. Stone from the New York bank and brokerage firm Hayden-Stone. In 1935, one of the biggest names in the yachting world and industry bought the Cox &...

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Automatic reconnaissance chain

In future, sea mines are to be detected and identified in a fully automated process. Joint trials between WTD 71 and Atlas Elektronik demonstrate the potential. In September 2021, the Wehrtechnische Dienststelle für Schiffe und Marinewaffen, Maritime Technologie und Forschung (WTD 71) took part in the REP(MUS) trials (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping Augmented by Maritime Unmanned Systems) off the Portuguese coast. As part of these trials, investigations were carried out in the areas of underwater communication and mine defence. The future of maritime naval warfare is increasingly based on unmanned systems that operate as autonomously as possible - both above and below water. Particular attention is being paid to...

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Germany's door opener in the Indo-Pacific

After the end of the Indo-Pacific Deployment 2021 of the frigate Bayern almost a year ago, the announced German involvement in the region has gone quiet. How can it continue? Our problem is not a lack of rules, our problem is a lack of will to comply with and implement them. Chancellor Olaf Scholz attested to this in his speech to the United Nations in New York on 20 September. Even if the Chancellor's statement primarily refers to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, it is also likely to apply implicitly to other autocratic regimes. Because not only since the...

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