Category: Shipbuilding

The general shipbuilding policy situation - a question of safety

The recent SMM trade fair was a global meeting place for maritime technology and commerce. The MS&D conference, Maritime Security and Defence, addressed key geopolitical issues that are of great importance in the maritime industry. Up to now, the rise and fall of major shipbuilding nations - from the UK to continental Europe and Japan to Korea - has been strongly linked to industrial and trade policy conditions and influence. In the case of China, a differentiated picture emerges. The deployment of enormous state financial resources, estimated at around 200 billion dollars in just over a decade, can only be conclusively explained by geostrategic aspects: Access marineforum...

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Collector's items

A small shipyard near Schwerin builds boats to high standards. They were already successful in the GDR era. Most readers of marineforum sail or have sailed on grey, blue or white ships, whether civilian, naval or government. Or they help build them. For many, this is not enough, they have their own boat. Happiness is a private ship was a code among insiders, wasn't it? The range on offer is huge, the market is booming - as the Düsseldorf boot trade fair proved at the beginning of the year with fascinating dreams in 17 halls. In one of these halls, a very independent, almost...

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Ships in the shade

We reported on the new Class 707 naval fuel supply vessels, which have now been laid down. However, the ways in which tankers were procured were not always so ideal. The ancient shipbuilding tradition of hammering a coin into the keel of a ship is said to have existed thousands of years ago, as coins have been found under old ship masts during excavations. This is said to bring good sailing and good luck to the ship and crew at all times. The navy has not been waiting quite as long - but quite a while - for a replacement for the outdated Rhön-class fuel supply vessels. These single-hull tankers are still doing their duty thanks to professional crews, but...

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Customised platforms

In the thick of it, not just in it: marineforum as an editorial companion to our shipbuilding projects Expertly versed, editorially exciting, sometimes pointed, always on the pulse: for 50 years, marineforum has been describing, commenting on and classifying everything that floats and has a grey coating for industry experts and those unfamiliar with the subject. As shipbuilders of these very units, we provide the appropriate content. Accordingly, as an observer and companion of our numerous projects, marineforum is both an in-house must-read and a constructive media partner. When marineforum was first published in its current form at the beginning of the 1970s, two speedboats set sail for Argentina from our premises in Bremen-Vegesack. Particularly popular at the time:...

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Mercy Ships and MSC build hospital ship for Africa

From a press release by Mercy Ships Deutschland e.V.: 22 April 2024, Geneva (CH) / Lindale TX (USA) - A landmark agreement between the MSC Group, the MSC Foundation and the aid organisation Mercy Ships International provides for the planning of the construction of a new hospital ship that will enable thousands of people in Africa to receive free operations and training from local specialists every year. The new hospital ship will be built according to Mercy Ships' needs and experience. Once operational, it will increase the reach and thus the number of life-changing surgical operations, anaesthesia care and education and training programmes offered by Mercy Ships for the next...

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