Category: Security policy

Responsibility for Germany's maritime security

At the parliamentary evening in Berlin, the participants discussed the legal and organisational problems of maritime security. "Our maritime infrastructure is the lifeline for the economy and society in our country. How can these lifelines be protected, and who reacts when a danger threatens or needs to be combated?" This was the key question posed by Siemtje Möller, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, at the "Maritime Security" parliamentary evening she hosted at the Hamburg State Representation in Berlin. Peter Tschentscher, Hamburg's First Mayor, and Jens Plötner, Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Federal Chancellor Scholz, emphasised the central importance of the sea and maritime security in their introductory speeches.

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Where are the "blue" scientists?

Scientists specialising in marine topics are in demand abroad. Here in Germany, however, they are fighting against disinterest and rejection. On the face of it, the 175th anniversary of German navies is primarily a matter for historians, as the aim is to draw the broad lines. However, such a rather narrow view has two major problems. Firstly, historians rely on sources such as files, diaries and photos, access to which is usually regulated and usually beyond the 30-year mark. Historians are far less willing and able to provide information on current developments relating to the German Navy. The eternal fascination with the Battle of the Skagerrak and Scapa...

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Ocean Governance - Germany is committed to protecting the oceans

Germany is committed to protecting the oceans and to the fair use of the sea. Maritime armed forces can also contribute to the enforcement of rules. A German frigate in the Mediterranean - under the NATO Sea Guardian mandate - could be deployed more easily to ensure comprehensive maritime security and to enforce fair and sustainable use of the seas than is currently the case in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The deployment of the navy to protect shipping, critical maritime infrastructure or natural resources and the fragile marine ecosystem from criminal and hybrid, i.e. not clearly military, threats would take place outside of a corresponding international mandate in a legal framework.

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From customers and soldiers

Und was ist mit uns Bestandskunden?“ So oder ähnlich habe ich es schon oft gehört, wenn es um neue Ideen geht, den Dienst in den Streitkräften attraktiver zu machen und zusätzliche Bewerber zu locken. Ebenso gerne wird von der Ressource Mensch gesprochen. Um es klar zu sagen: Wir sind weder Ressource noch Kunde! Wir sind Soldatinnen und Soldaten und setzen im Extremfall unser Leben ein, um „... der Bundesrepublik Deutschland treu zu dienen und das Recht und die Freiheit des deutschen Volkes tapfer zu verteidigen, ...“. Zugang marineforum digital+ Sie sind bereits registrierter Nutzer? Jetzt hier einloggen - auch...

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IT for the future of the navy

The German Mission Network aims to maintain the Navy's command and control capability. Harmonisation and standardisation should significantly expand capabilities. Digitalisation optimises the assertiveness of the armed forces and increases the operational capability of the Bundeswehr as a whole. For the armed forces, digitalisation is a key element for information, command and effectiveness superiority. But also to improve their own protection and their ability to assert themselves and respond. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here to subscribe to marineforum digital+: Access to all articles...

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