Category: Security policy

Amerikanisch-Norwegisches Verteidigungsabkommen

Obwohl es oberstes Ziel norwegischer Politik ist, die Arktis frei von militärischen Spannungen zu halten und ein gutnachbarliches Verhältnis zu Russland zu bewahren, hat das Land in den letzten Jahren einen Kurswechsel eingeleitet, der im Verteidigungsabkommen mit den USA im April kulminierte. Das Parlament muss dem Vertrag noch zustimmen. Norwegen reagiert damit auf den Ausbau russischer Basen auf der Kolahalbinsel und den Franz-Josef-Inseln und der Erweiterung und Modernisierung der russischen Nordmeerflotte. Die nüchterne Einschätzung von norwegischer Seite ist es daher, dass die eigenen militärischen Kapazitäten nicht länger ausreichend sind, um angemessen auf russischen Druck reagieren zu können. Auch die...

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Full circle with a supertanker

After almost three decades, the Bundeswehr has returned to national and alliance defence. The necessary change can be mastered with system alliances. At the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, the Bundeswehr - after 35 years of development - had achieved a good position in the conventional arms race with the Warsaw Pact and in comparison with the other NATO partners. As surprisingly as the Cold War ended, there was little certainty as to how the costly armed forces should continue. With the equipment and training for the large-scale, intensive war on the European continent, the Bundeswehr was deployed in a wide variety of different...

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Review of the Maritime Convention 2021

Originally planned as a face-to-face event, this year's Maritime Convention participants were able to listen to the two-part presentation on China! Maritime driver for Europe?! via webinar. The DMI hosted the event together with griephan in his customary expert manner. The key question of the first panel "China is a littoral on the South China Sea?" was answered by the Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to Germany, Mr Laurence Bay, in a reversal of the facts: Germany and the EU are littoral states on the South China Sea. He sees this not only in the presence of European merchant ships in this sea area and in the numerous branches of European companies in this region, more than 2,000 in Singapore alone...

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From lighthouse projects and coastal radar stations

Lebanon has been on the brink of collapse even before the catastrophic explosion in Beirut harbour. The German government's defence initiative is intended to help the country rebuild its lost capabilities. The cedar state on the Mediterranean really doesn't have it easy in the conflict between its neighbours Israel and Syria. A 15-year civil war (1975-90), mismanagement and corruption, several external invasions - most recently in 2006 - and then the devastating explosion in the harbour of the capital Beirut in August last year have all taken their toll on the Lebanese Republic. Bilateral and international aid is attempting to save the former Switzerland of the Middle East from collapse and at the same time maintain a certain degree of stability.

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Time to act

Under the patronage of Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther, hundreds of experts came together in September to identify solutions to one of the greatest threats in the North and Baltic Seas. The seabed contains mineral resources and flora that make a significant contribution to the regeneration of the atmosphere. But for more than a century, it has also become a receptacle for the legacies of civilisation. During Kiel Munition Clearance Week, around 500 experts from politics, business, environmental protection, science and the navy, 150 of whom were on site, dealt with a special type of waste. It was about the more than 1.5 million tonnes of old ammunition that...

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