Category: Armed Forces

Attention, contemporary witnesses!

The Historical-Tactical Conference of the Navy (HiTaTa) includes all kinds of well-practised procedures. These include the fact that the debate after the presentations is opened and determined by the former flag officers seated at the very front of the room. Meanwhile, the majority of the participants who are younger in life and rank seem to follow Bernard Wicki's lesson, according to which, as in the cinema, it may be flickering at the front, but the best seats are at the back. And indeed, many a speaker on the podium will find themselves confronted or even trumped by the memories of contemporary witnesses, especially when these are presented with the verve of a knowledgeable expert and in the style of the highest seniority. A favourite, if...

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Iran supplies missile speedboats to Venezuela

Venezuela - Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's close relations with the Iranian rulers are bearing fruit: although they are small, the two PEYKAAP III missile speedboats are not entirely without bite. One visit from the Iranian naval grouping circumnavigating the western world at the beginning of the year, and Venezuela already has the destabilising pinprick platforms with sea target FC, which were presented to the public as GOLETA EMPRENDEDORA and GOLETA INDEPENDENCIA at the end of July to mark the 200th anniversary of the Armada Bolivariana de Venezuela. They are 17 metres long and, at 14 tonnes, are real lightweights. Their two sea targets, FK Kowsar or Nasr, fly at subsonic speed and have a maximum...

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Uruguay orders new coastal boats for the navy

Uruguay - 30 years ago, Germany helped the Uruguayan navy with numerous ships and boats from the German surplus stock, thus ensuring that it had reasonably operational material. For some years now, the second life of these units has clearly been used up. The country needs new ships! Now, in mid-July, after 15 years of half-hearted searching and some extremely controversial offers from China to take over a few of the cheap JIANGDAO corvettes (type 056), then the proposal to purchase Norwegian NORDKAPP-class coast guard vessels, which are ice-capable but completely worn out after 40 years but even cheaper, a lonely decision was made by the Minister of Defence, Javier García:...

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Spanish transport ship sunk during Sinkex manoeuvre

Spain - The transport ship MARTIN POSADILLO (75 m, 2200 t), built in northern Spain in 1973 as a civilian ship for internal Spanish island traffic, bought by the Spanish army in 1990 and operated by the Armada since the turn of the millennium, was to be given an honourable end in service after almost 50 years at sea: as a target ship in the Spanish Navy's 2023 Sinkex manoeuvre off the Canary Islands at the end of June. The newly commissioned submarine S-81 ISAAC PERAL was actually supposed to release a premiere torpedo and send the transporter with the classic lines to the bottom of the sea, but things turned out differently: in the end, the submarine was allowed to...

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French Naval Group seeks partnership with Philippines for submarine modernisation

Following the cancellation of the Australian submarine contract, the French Naval Group is turning to new potential customers. This time, the state-owned defence contractor senses an opportunity in the Philippines. The island state has just painstakingly freed itself from America's almost eternal grip. Now, however, with its weak and outdated armed forces, it sees itself exposed as the first island in the face of the aggressive territorial and power claims of the Chinese armed forces and their paramilitary organisations in the South China Sea. However, one can only assert one's own legitimate and internationally recognised territorial claims through a robust maritime presence. Inexplicably, the Philippine navy tends to compensate for its weakness in the surface area by building up...

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