Category: Technology

The warehouse is all about strategies and security

International experts meet at the invitation of GIDS and iFMS Naval officers and scientists from five continents recently exchanged views on maritime strategies and security in Hamburg's Speicherstadt warehouse district. They accepted an invitation from the German Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies (GIDS) and the interdisciplinary research focus Maritime Security (iFMS) at the Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg. The conference venue was the Hanseatic International Maritime Museum. The participants from Argentina, Australia, India, Canada, the Philippines and Germany exchanged views on conflict scenarios in the Indo-Pacific, among other things with a view to the security interests of the Indo-Pacific countries, which have so far received too little attention from...

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Feuer auf der Fremantle Highway

Der in der Nacht vom 25. auf den 26. Juli vor der niederländischen Küste in Brand geratene Autofrachter Fremantle Highway konnte nach über einer Woche, in der sich das Schiff in kritischem Zustand befand, in den nächstgelegenen niederländischen Hafen Eemshaven eingebracht und dort vertäut werden. Dieser Vorfall hat tagelang besonders die Küstenbewohner alarmiert, weil wegen der Nähe zum Unesco-Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer eine Umweltkatastrophe befürchtet wurde. Auf dem unter Panama-Flagge fahrenden, fast 60 000 GT großen und 200 Meter langen Autotransporter Fremantle Highway war von Bremerhaven kommend 27 Kilometer nördlich der Insel Ameland auf einem der Fahrzeugdecks ein Feuer ausgebrochen. Das...

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With or without crew

A German-Finnish co-operation lays the foundation for autonomous maritime operations of the future. Atlas Elektronik and Marine Alutech used the opening of a new Marine Alutech shipyard in Lappvik, Finland, to present an autonomous workboat. In a joint research and development project, Atlas' Jagos (Joint Autonomous Guidance and Operating System) autonomous core was integrated into the Aurora surface vessel. The Alutech Watercat 1000 Patrol vehicle now has the necessary capabilities for highly automated operation. Jagos is a further development of the control software of the SeaCat unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) and enables its highly automated control both underwater and on the surface.

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A flying visit to the Finnish boat builder

Marine Alutech puts its products in the right light with Finnish lightness. The shipyard's products are used by authorities in many countries around the world. When you are invited to Finland in May to be presented with maritime technology, as editor-in-chief of marineforum you are naturally immediately electrified: Who invites you to the tranquil town of Lappvik in the south-west of the new NATO partner? Marine Alutech, of course, known for its fast boats in the service of the authorities. You wouldn't expect the size of the Hamburg trade fair for maritime technology SMM or the density of experts at the military-oriented Undersea Defence Technology (UDT), but somehow it seemed as if...

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The Ukraine war and the Black Sea

At first glance, the Russian-Ukrainian war appears to be a purely land-based conflict. However, the epochal conflict also has a maritime dimension. When Russian President Putin brought the "Great" or state war back to Europe on 24 February 2022, a new era began, and not just in European history. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's words about a turning point in world politics describe this very aptly indeed, even if it still does not seem to have really sunk in in some people's minds. So far, there is no end in sight to the war in Ukraine, which means that we do not know what will happen next or what the end will look like....

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