Category: Headlines Slider

1TP5Understanding the sea: Major powers redefine their interest in the Arctic

The Arctic has increasingly become the focus of public attention in recent years. But even in German-speaking countries, it is no longer climate change alone that characterises interest in the High North. There are more and more reports and features from the Far North that talk about new ports, shipping routes, c and re-militarisation. But what exactly is going on in the northern polar region? Is it all about raw materials? Are we facing a new cold war on the northern flank? What are the drivers of these developments and who is pursuing which interests? In a loose series of articles, the...

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1TP5Understanding the sea: Sea Blindness - How to spin a maritime narrative thread

by Patrick Mundstock, the winner of our essay competition: More than 95 per cent of global international trade passes through the world's seas and oceans. Every year, around 47,000 merchant ships from all over the world travel on them, transporting around seven billion tonnes of goods, and the trend is rising. Ever bigger, ever faster and ever more is the motto of the shipping companies. The harbours are becoming more gigantic and the volume of trade is growing every year. This means that the prosperity of almost every economically active nation is particularly dependent on maritime security policy. And yet maritime security is facing such far-reaching problems that even international organisations are now focusing on it.

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German Navy - between quality and quantity

Fleet shrinks to historic low Shortly before the turn of the year, the German Navy shrank by a further five units. Last week, two tankers, two speedboats and a minesweeper were decommissioned. This reduces the number of floating units in the German Navy to 62 - a new low in the history of the navy. - Kieler Nachrichten 21.12.2015 Kieler Nachrichten reports on the planned decommissioning of the aforementioned units, whose replacement is already planned but not necessarily visible on the horizon. In November, Inspector General Volker Wieker informed parliament in his "Report on the material operational readiness...

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