Category: Marines from all over the world

We are defending Spain. From the sea.

Once again this year, the Armada shows a cross-section of its capabilities in one hundred seconds - short, concise, with strong images. "We are navy" is the title of the world's second-oldest navy with a sense of history and self-confidence (only the Portuguese navy has been in the business a few years longer). Not only because of its 27,000 service posts, but also because of its tonnage, it is the fifth strongest naval force in NATO. Even within Spain, the navy is considered to be the best-equipped armed force on the Iberian Peninsula. Aircraft carriers with helicopters and VSTOL jets, amphibious landing ships with matching land combat forces, frigates and the latest submarines. Well - not superlative, not much of anything, but...

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Singapore: Maritime security - tactical - theoretical - trained

In August 2023, the two-week Southeast Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT 23) took place in Singapore under the leadership of the US 7th Fleet. The naval ship's command (MSchLtg) from Hamburg took part in the multinational exercise series for the second time in a row. For the first time, however, members of the MSchLtg also gave presentations on maritime security topics during the exercise. Scope of the exercise 20 nations took part in SEACAT 23. In addition to the ASEAN states of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), the Maldives, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom and the USA also took part. In addition to improving cooperation and...

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Japan's navy exercises off the Russian-occupied Kuril Islands for the first time

Japan's navy exercises off the Russian-occupied Kuril Islands for the first time Japan - Six warships from the US, Japanese and Canadian navies conducted a week-long exercise in the north-west Pacific in August, stretching from the Russian-controlled Kuril Islands to the waters off Tokyo. Multinational and Joint Noble Chinook (Noble Wind) was part of a joint exercise that included manoeuvre and navigation exercises in addition to various surface combatant scenarios. The exercise was part of Large-Scale Global Exercise 23 (LSGE 23), according to a U.S. 7th Fleet spokesperson. The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) conducted LSGE 23 as a planned exercise from May to August 2023...

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New exhibition in the Flanders Bunker

On 31 August, the eve of International Anti-War Day, the Kilian Memorial Association opened its new exhibition "An anti-aircraft helper from Kiel - photos and memories of Hans Krohn". In 1944, at the age of 15, Hans Krohn was also drafted into the navy in Kiel and stationed at the Nordmarksportfeld in the anti-aircraft battery. As this battery was close to the city, he experienced many air raids at first hand. His experiences there shaped his life, as well as those of around 200,000 other underage air force helpers throughout the Reich during this time. Hans Krohn, born in Wilster in 1928, lived during the Second World War in Kiel-Wik at the lower end of the...

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USA: Modernisation of the nuclear arsenal

Deborah G. Rosenblum, Under Secretary of State for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defence Programs at the Pentagon, outlined the new course for the modernisation of US nuclear weapons at a press conference on Friday, 25 August 2023. Among other things, Washington wants to put the "Sentinel" intercontinental ballistic missile system into service as a replacement for the "Minuteman III", the "Columbia" class ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) as a replacement for the "Ohio" class SSBN currently in service and the B-21 "Raider" as a replacement for the B-2A "Spirit" bomber. In addition to the modernisation of the nuclear arsenal and the carriers, the programme also provides for changes to the nuclear command, control and communications facilities. The Nuclear Weapons Council, which...

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