Category: Security policy

Pentagon: Baltic states sign 5-year defence cooperation roadmap

The US Assistant Secretary of Defence for International Security Affairs hosted a three-way signing ceremony for bilateral defence cooperation roadmaps with representatives from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in mid-December 2023. The basis for strong relations between the Baltic States and the United States is long-term and multifaceted cooperation. The roadmap is intended to guide the national security cooperation relationship through 2028 as the U.S. works to improve capabilities and interoperability between the U.S. and Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian armed forces. In addition, the agreements express the intent of the U.S. Secretary of Defence...

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Norwegen: Bleiben Offshore-Gasvorkommen ungenutzt?

Ende 2022 gab es über 80 Gasfunde vor der norwegischen Küste auf einer geschätzten Fläche von mehr als 1,2 Milliarden Quadratmetern. Obwohl viele dieser Vorkommen ein beträchtliches Wertpotenzial aufwiesen, sei es höchst ungewiss, wie viel Erdgas tatsächlich gefördert werden könne, so die norwegische Erdöldirektion (Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD)). Als Herausforderungen nannte die NPD unter anderem komplexe Lagerstätten und hohe Produktionskosten. Etwa zwei Drittel der Gasvorkommen des Landes sind noch nicht gefördert worden. Und obwohl die Produktion in den nächsten fünf Jahren voraussichtlich hoch bleiben wird, werde sie danach "ziemlich schnell" zurückgehen, so die Erwartung der Behörde. Deshalb mache es...

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Philippines and Japan in favour of mutual opening of military bases

After strengthening maritime cooperation with Vietnam in May 2023, the Philippines has now also begun talks with Japan on a reciprocal agreement that would allow the deployment of armed forces on each other's soil in light of growing tensions in the region. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said on the sidelines of a summit between Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Tokyo that tensions in the South China Sea had increased rather than decreased in recent months and warned that a "more assertive China" posed a "real challenge" to its Asian neighbours. Manila and Beijing delivered...

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NATO: strengthening allied naval power in Europe

Spain's government has given the green light for the stationing of two more US Navy ships, bringing the number of US destroyers stationed in Rota to six. In 2014, the USA began stationing a total of four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers (DDG 51-119, max. 9700 tonnes displacement) permanently in Europe. The mission of this destroyer squadron is to implement NATO's strategic missile defence shield against ballistic missile attacks (National Missile Defence) in the Mediterranean region. It is currently permanently stationed in Rota (near Cádiz): USS Roosevelt (DDG-80 since 2020), USS Arleigh Burke (DDG-51 since 2021), USS Paul Ignatius (DDG-117 since 2022) and USS Bulkeley (DDG-84...

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marineforum: 2,000 posts online in three years!

Dear readers and friends of maritime topics! Since we launched the portal of the Marine-Offizier-Vereinigung e.V. (MOV) and the Deutsches Maritimes Institut e.V. together with ElbBureaux GmbH in Hamburg almost exactly three years ago (a good 1,000 days), we have succeeded in publishing over two thousand (2,000!) articles - short and longer, news and explanatory pieces, twice a day - on our web platform and making them accessible to you. That's some news! Stay tuned, stay with us - also in the coming year - and look forward to interesting and interesting facts that we will publish as...

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