Category: Security policy

Aid for Ukraine: Alliance to rebuild the naval forces

London: Norway and the UK announce maritime alliance to provide sustainable support to Ukraine in building coastal and maritime defence The Norwegian Minister of Defence met his British counterpart on 11 December 2023 to jointly present the Maritime Capability Coalition (MCC). The aim is to enable Ukraine to exercise better control over its coast and the neighbouring sea area in the future. Russia should then no longer be able to use the Black Sea as a base for missile attacks on the Ukrainian mainland. Open sea routes and free trade are important, not only for the Ukrainian economy, but also in order to transport grain to the...

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Seabed Infrastructure Security: Northern Europe gets going!

Six northern European countries (Denmark, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden) are intensifying their cooperation in the field of maritime infrastructure. One part of this is the Seabed Security Experimentation Centre (SeaSEC), which has just been inaugurated in The Hague. The establishment of the SeaSEC is part of the Northern Naval Capability Cooperation (NNCC), which was officially ratified in Washington in early December 2023. The NNCC was established to strengthen the northern maritime industry and develop the best available systems and equipment. Rethinking PPPs Public, private and military partners are now working together to examine how important underwater infrastructure such as data cables, pipelines and platforms for fossil fuels and...

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HNLMS "Holland" arrives in the operational area

With the HNLMS "Holland", the Dutch government has deployed the type ship of the four 108-metre-long and, at around 3,800 tonnes, frigate-sized ocean patrol vessels (OPV) of the same class to the Eastern Mediterranean. This means that the Netherlands, together with allies including the USA, the UK, France, Italy and Germany, is now also contributing to a maritime corridor so that humanitarian aid can reach Gaza. The aim is to secure the fragile regional stability from the sea and prevent further escalation. If an evacuation becomes necessary, the "Holland" can provide immediate support. The duration of its deployment depends on current developments...

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Das gibt es! Das maritime Deutschland! MC 2023

Deutsches Maritimes Institut und griephan | DVV media veranstalten alljährlich die maritime Konferenz Deutschlands - und zwar mitten in Berlin, seit 2007.   Und allmählich spricht es sich herum, dass man über maritime Abhängigkeiten, maritime Wirtschaft und globale Herausforderungen über Ozeane hinweg sprechen und konferieren muss. Das Deutsche Maritime Institut und griephan luden auch in diesem Jahr zur MARITIME CONVENTION 2023 ein. Und es gab zwei besondere Geburtstage: zum einen den eigenen 50-jährigen als auch den 175-jährigen der Deutschen Marine. Das Motto der Veranstaltung lautete: „Erwartungen an das maritime Deutschland“. Veranstaltungsort war wiederum die Vertretung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein beim...

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DMI wird Partner der Hamburg Messe SMM

Deutsches Maritimes Institut übernimmt die MS&D für die SMM 2024 Die International Conference on Maritime Security and Defence (MS&D) ist eine Fachkonferenz für maritime Sicherheit, die alle zwei Jahre im Rahmen der Messe SMM (Shipbuilding, Machinery & Marine Technology) auf dem Gelände der Hamburg Messe stattfindet. Die SMM wird seit 1963 durch die Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH in den Hamburger Messehallen ausgerichtet und hat die Schwerpunkte Schiffbau, maritime Anlagen, Maschinenbau und Meerestechnik. Die kommende MS&D 2024 wird inhaltlich vom Deutschen Maritimen Institut (DMI) gestaltet. Die Vertragsunterzeichnung machten die Verantwortlichen auf der Maritime Convention am 21.11.2023 in Berlin öffentlich....

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