Category: Security policy

China verstetigt seine Präsenz in den Polarregionen

China weitet seine Expeditionen in die Arktis und Antarktis aus. Laut chinesischem Ministerium für Naturressourcen werde das nationale polare Beobachtungs- und Überwachungsnetz kontinuierlich verbessert und der Bau der fünften Antarktis-Forschungsstation „Inexpressible Island“ am Rande des Rossmeeres beschleunigt. Inzwischen werde die 40. Antarktisexpedition vorbereitet, zugleich wurde die 13. Mission im Arktischen Ozean beendet. Mehr zur 5. Antarktis-Forschungsstation in unserem Artikel „Satellitenfotos: China auf dem Vormarsch in der Antarktis“ vom 15. Mai 2023. Beitrag lesen Die 39. wissenschaftliche Antarktisexpedition von Oktober 2022 bis April 2023 dauerte 163 Tage. 255 Forscher auf zwei Forschungseisbrechern, Snow Dragon (Xue Long) und Snow Dragon 2,...

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Joint Warrior - Maritime NATO-Übung der VJTF vor Schottland

Aus einer Pressemitteilung der Bundeswehr: Nach einem kurzen Hafenaufenthalt in Glasgow war die Task Group 441.01. - die maritime Komponente der Very High Readiness Task Force (VJTF) - am 22. Oktober ausgelaufen, um bis 31. Oktober an der Großübung „Joint Warrior“ vor der Nordwestküste Schottlands teilzunehmen. Am zweiten Durchgang dieser anspruchsvollen Marine-Übung nahmen in diesem Jahr über 19 Schiffe sowie mehr als 20 Luftfahrzeuge mit insgesamt rund 6.000 Soldatinnen und Soldaten teil. Neben Großbritannien - das dieses Mal die Führung übernommen hatte - beteiligten sich Einheiten aus den Niederlanden, den USA, Dänemark, Italien, Belgien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Polen und Kanada....

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Update: Change of leadership at the US Navy now official

President Joe Biden had already nominated Franchetti for this position in July. In the USA, however, such appointments still have to be confirmed by the Senate. One of the senators, Republican Tommy Tuberville, has been blocking hundreds of military nominations for some time in protest against a Department of Defence regulation that allows female soldiers to be reimbursed for travel expenses in the event of an abortion. Unanimity is required for many formal procedures in the US Senate. Therefore, even a single member of the Senate can become a "show-stopper".
The confirmation now took place as a single vote on 2 November 2023, after the Republicans last week publicly broke with Senator Tommy Tuberville (Alabama), who has been blocking the 'en bloc appointments' of generals and admirals in the Senate for nine months.

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Balticconnector gas leak: sabotage - or bad luck?

A concerted act of Russian-Chinese sabotage? Or simply a maritime mishap? Finally an official sign from Finland! We took some time in the editorial office to gather information from open sources and waited until the overall picture became clearer. It's about the damage to the Balticconnector gas pipeline and two communication cables on the Baltic seabed at various points between Estonia and Finland, which was discovered on 8 October 2023. What The Balticconnector gas pipeline runs from Paldiski, 30 kilometres west of Tallinn, northwards to the Finnish LNG terminal in Inkoo, 40 kilometres west of Helsinki, and forms a bridge between the gas pipelines from Russia and...

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Middle East: US destroyer intercepts Huthi militia cruise missile from Yemen

A little-noticed report from the US Department of Defence makes it alarmingly clear just how close to the powder keg the entire Middle East currently is: on 19 October 2023, the Pentagon reported the launch of three cruise missiles and eight drones launched from the north-west of Yemen and flying towards Israel by the Arleigh Burke destroyer USS "Carney" (DDG-64). The "Carney" had used its Standard Missile 2 (SM2) in defence against the cruise missiles and drones. There were no casualties or injuries, neither on US units nor on the ground. Security architecture It is an example of the integrated security architecture established in the Middle East...

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