Category: Magazine

The vastness of the horizon

Stovepiping is a process in which the observer sees daylight through a narrow chimney and mistakes this for the horizon. This phenomenon is widespread and is often attributed to incomplete intelligence ("need to know"). The former Inspector General has asked the military branches to present a "target picture" for their respective areas. The Navy has drawn up a "target picture from 2035". The new Inspector General is now tasked with placing the various target images next to and on top of each other. However, the sum of the individual target images does not make a whole! An energetic, organising hand is needed here, which has been lacking up to now. One may assume...


Baltic Operations 22

BALTOPS, the largest multinational naval exercise in the Baltic Sea, took place for the 51st time from 5 to 17 June 2022. Around 7,000 soldiers from 16 nations, including Sweden and Finland, took part this time. They were spread across 47 ships and boats, 89 aircraft, as well as various offices and troop units on land. BALTOPS stands for "Baltic Operations" and is a long-term exercise series that was launched by the US Naval Forces Europe in 1972. The purpose has not changed since then: The aim is to train various types of naval warfare with allies, for example hunting submarines,...


Neptune's return

After Neptune, the god of the sea, emerged from the depths of the Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of the year to demonstrate his fighting power over Central and South-East Europe for a fortnight, he returned for just as long at the end of May: equipped with a mighty shield, his aim this time was to help his allies protect their territories. Neptune is of course just an allegory. It stands for NATO's ability to carry out "strikes" from the sea, i.e. to defend itself against threats on land, in the air and/or above the water using aircraft, cruise missiles or naval infantry. The lead for this special type of naval warfare is held within the NATO...


Construction project for the inland sea

The Russian-Ukrainian war also had a major impact on the navies of the Baltic Sea states. They were already in the process of rebuilding capacities that had been radically curtailed after the Cold War. Historically neutral Sweden is one of the countries whose security architecture has been most affected by the recent Russian aggression, a fact that is most evident in the country's imminent accession to NATO. The country is already in the midst of a major military revitalisation programme called Totalförsvaret 2021-2025 (translated roughly as Total Defence), which was passed by the Swedish parliament at the end of 2020. From the perspective of the navy...


It's about the islands

As a major economic power, Japan maintains an extremely efficient coastguard with a wide range of tasks and capabilities in addition to its navy. Together they ensure security in a conflict-prone region of the world. With over 6800 islands (of which more than 400 are permanently inhabited) and a coastline of 29,751 kilometres, Japan is one of the world's largest maritime nations. In addition to the four large main islands, smaller island groups such as the Ogasawara and Ryukyu Islands ensure that Japan, with a land area of 380,000 square kilometres, has almost as large territorial waters (430,000 km2) and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of more than ten times its land area. With...
