Category: Magazine

Piracy: positive development

Piracy: The IMB's Annual Piracy Report for 2022 shows a further decline in the number of attacks. The security measures have proven their worth and remain necessary. The statistics on global piracy from the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) in London have been published since 1990. It is the most reliable barometer of current developments, even if it does not record all cases, as only cases that are reported to the organisation are registered. In 2022, 115 incidents were recorded worldwide, compared to 132, 195 and 162 incidents in the previous three years. From a global perspective, this is a pleasing development, as in the years 2009 to...


Turning point at sea

The world is on the move: Climate change, upheavals between nations and new technologies are among the challenges facing modern navies. This makes it all the more important to adapt their capabilities quickly. In times of multiple crises, the world is changing and with it the strategic environment. This also applies to naval forces, which are undergoing rapid development around the globe. Local wars are taking place, regional ones are conceivable. The Cold War is back with new centres of gravity in Eastern Europe and the Indo-Pacific region. Starting positions for future conflicts are being established in the Arctic, Antarctic and outer space. It is often about maritime borders,...


Clear sailing in the Baltic Sea  

The close military cooperation in the Baltic Sea region that has been practised for years is now paying off. NATO candidates Finland and Sweden are demonstrating their value to the alliance in securing shipping routes during numerous manoeuvres. Russia has manoeuvred itself into a highly confrontational position and largely isolated itself internationally with its - by Western standards - value-disrespecting and aggressive actions towards Ukraine. For Russia's direct neighbours, Finland and Poland, but especially the three Baltic states Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, this has created more than just a theoretical threat to their existence. Crisis and war scenarios of the Cold War that have long been a thing of the past...


Ready for defence

Only a 180-kilometre-wide strait separates Taiwan from the People's Republic of China. The democratic country feels increasingly threatened and is modernising its naval forces. American intelligence services assume that Beijing could attempt to annex Taiwan by force before the end of the current decade. The comparison of David against Goliath comes to mind. In contrast to the biblical story, however, the giant is not only strong, but also increasingly manoeuvrable. In view of the ongoing modernisation of the People's Liberation Navy, Taiwan's naval forces are looking for ways to increase their own clout despite limited resources. The main maritime threats are the possibility of an amphibious offensive by the People's Liberation Navy and a Chinese naval blockade...


A life for the Duckdalben

The seafarers who come to Hamburg can always rely on "the best seamen's mission in the world", so they say. Especially during the coronavirus crisis, it was the only way for crews from all over the world to communicate, exchange information and deal with formal matters. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+ subscription: Access to all articles from the marineforum magazine Easy payment via PayPal, direct debit or credit card The subscription is free of charge.
