Category: Magazine

Heavylift giant in action for the German energy transition

The shipping company Allseas has received an order for the world's largest heavy-lift and construction vessel "Pioneering Spirit" as part of the German energy transition. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+ subscription: Access to all articles from the marineforum magazine Easy payment via PayPal, direct debit or credit card The subscription can be cancelled at any time free of charge For MOV members free of charge To the subscription options...


Shipyards in distress

For a few years, it seemed as if the Hong Kong-based Genting Group would be a saviour in times of need for some German shipyards. But after the company's bankruptcy, the tenderloin was divided up. The Genting bankruptcy, which began in 2020 and led to the insolvency of the MV Werften Group with sites in Wismar, Warnemünde and Stralsund as well as the Lloyd Werft shipyard in Bremerhaven in March 2022, was the biggest dilemma for the industry in the post-war period after the disaster at Bremer Vulkan in 1995/96. First of all, it should be noted that after a long period of uncertainty, the situation has regained some shape, mainly thanks to the insolvency administrator...


Geography comes before history

The island location has significantly influenced the character and thinking of the British. From the other side of the Channel, things look different. Ian Morris is regarded as a historian of the long lines. A good ten years ago, in his bestseller "Who rules the world?", he raised the fundamental question of why civilisations rule or are ruled. One of his answers was appropriate at the time, which was characterised by interventions by Western states that often intervened in regional conflicts in Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East and the Hindu Kush with the help of local forces. Back then, you could watch Morris ride through...


Is the navy being forgotten in air defence?

The Patriot, Iris-T and Arrow land-based systems are the talk of the town when it comes to air defence. However, the German Navy already has modern and effective weapons for this purpose in the form of frigates 124. Russia's unlawful war against cities and critical civilian infrastructure in Ukraine has finally led to a realisation in Germany of the importance of efficient air defence. Now it is time to seriously and swiftly re-equip - together with other NATO partners. This was announced by Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht in a statement on the fringes of the October meeting of NATO defence ministers in Brussels. According to the statement, fourteen European countries and Germany have signed a letter of ...


Light(er) on land

The Navy and Marine Corps are planning the joint construction of amphibious units. However, different ideas are jeopardising the success of the project. The US Navy is planning to introduce a new class of light amphibious warship (LAW) for transporting marines to the theatre of operations. A decision on the ship design is expected to be made in the first half of 2023. With a length of between 60 and 120 metres and a displacement of 3,000 to 4,000 tonnes, the LAW falls into a medium size class from an international perspective. The maximum draught is 3.7 metres in order to ensure that the ship can approach the landing beach directly and...
