Category: Magazine

Arms exports must bear the label "European" to a greater extent

When sirens wail in Kiev these days, people not only fear for their families and loved ones in the bunkers. They also hope that the air defence system will intercept the Russian war terror attacks against their city. For this to succeed, Ukraine is dependent on the support of its international partners. An arms alliance has been forged to stand up to the Russian invasion. Within this alliance, the German government must take on the task of organising arms deliveries in such a way that Germany acts as a reliable European partner. An arms export control law, which has been agreed in the coalition agreement, must create the legal framework for this, among other things. A few weeks ago, the...


Business vs. security

Chancellor Scholz has got his way: a Chinese state-owned company may acquire a stake in Germany's critical maritime infrastructure. Is the economic opportunity worth the risk of exerting influence? Contrary to the reservations of all six ministries involved, above all the lead ministry for economic affairs and the Foreign Office, as well as warnings from Brussels and the secret services, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has decided to allow the port subsidiary of the Chinese maritime state-owned group Cosco to retain a stake in the Tollerort container terminal of the Hamburg port logistics company HHLA - a "word of power" from the Chancellor using his authority to issue directives. Between HHLA and Cosco Shipping Ports Limited (CSPL), the participation in the Container Terminal Tollerort was...


Precision landing

Kapitän zur See Thorsten Bobzin hat nach vier Jahren das Kommando über die Marineflieger übergeben. Er blickt auf eine bewegte Zeit zwischen Systemeinführungen, Nachwuchssorgen und Fähigkeitslücken zurück. Nach vier Jahren an der Spitze des Marinefliegerkommandos zieht Thorsten Bobzin ein wichtiges Resümee: „Gott sei Dank hatten wir nur einen Flugunfall, der zudem glimpflich ablief.“ Auf die Frage, welche Situation die größte Anspannung ausgelöst hat, nennt er den russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine im Februar dieses Jahres. Die Marineflieger bewiesen ihre Fähigkeiten mit sehr hohem Engagement und einer schnellen Einsatz- und Verlegebereitschaft. In diesem Zusammenhang erwies sich einmal mehr die Fähigkeit...


Cosco aims for the top spot

Cosco Shipping, the shipping arm of China's largest maritime conglomerate and currently number four among the world's largest container liner shipping companies, is clearly aiming for the top. According to Chinese statements, the company aims to become the world's largest container shipping company. A newbuilding programme worth USD 4.9 billion is planned for 32 ships of various sizes and a total slot capacity of 580,000 TEU. This involves both megamax carriers with slots for 23,000 TEU and medium-sized units with a capacity of 15,000 TEU each. According to reports, Cosco is already in negotiations with the shipbuilding group Cosco Shipping Heavy Industry, which also belongs to the group...


Building mega yachts as an alternative

In the search for alternatives to merchant ship orders, which are almost impossible to acquire, and the lack of orders for government and naval vessels, some German shipyards have created another mainstay for themselves by building yachts and, where possible, mega-yachts. Here are two examples: Meyer Werft, a newcomer in this highly complex business sector, presented details of its large One 50 project, which breaks all boundaries, at this year's Monaco Yacht Show, which is highly regarded in financially powerful circles. At 150 metres long and 20 metres wide, the yacht, if the ship can still be described as such, is...
