Category: Magazine

Billions for the navy

The special fund for the Bundeswehr will enable the navy to close capability gaps. The agreement reached between the coalition government and the CDU/CSU on 29 May on the 100 billion euro special fund for the Bundeswehr outlines the expected procurement package. The money is intended to ensure that the armed forces receive the equipment they need to fulfil their mission. The special assets for the Bundeswehr are managed in Section 60. The economic plan has now been published. The measures it contains are intended to secure funding for important equipment projects, in particular complex military procurements lasting several years. According to the plan, procurements for the navy totalling...


Diving together

The partners Germany and Norway have launched the U-212CD project. Initial investments have already been initiated. Norway and Germany are setting new standards in international defence cooperation through the joint procurement and use of identical submarines. The innovative approach will further consolidate the joint strategic co-operation over the next 40 years. The contracts for the 212 Common Design (CD) submarines were signed on 8 July 2021 after intensive preparation and negotiations between the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw), its Norwegian equivalent, the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA), and the contractor Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS).


"You can rely on me!"

In July, Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft celebrated its 150th anniversary. Thanks to the financial commitment of investor Lars Windhorst, the employees are hoping for a secure future. The recent times that lie behind Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) were characterised by little optimism. On the contrary, a mood of crisis has dominated the last few years and the traditional company has been on the brink of collapse on several occasions. However, the old shipyard on the fjord draws strength from its location opposite the Mürwik Naval Academy, its location within sight of an ancient harbour and, in particular, from its staff, the strong bond that has long existed with the men and women who work here and the...


3rd mine detection squadron under new command

On Thursday, 22 September 2022, the commander of Operational Flotilla 1, Flotilla Admiral Henning Faltin (50), will hand over command of the 3rd Minesweeper Squadron from Frigate Captain Terje Schmitt-Eliassen (47) to Frigate Captain Carsten Schlüter (46) at 3 p.m. at Kiel Naval Base. For Frigate Captain Schmitt-Eliassen, this marks the end of a period in command that was characterised above all by the coronavirus pandemic. "The men and women of the 3rd Minesweeping Squadron have shown a very high level of operational readiness over the past two years. They have consistently carried out deployments and similar obligations, completed international and their own manoeuvres with an impressive number of units and provided administrative assistance - an outstanding achievement on my part.


Operational diversity and professionalism

The turnaround proclaimed by Chancellor Olaf Scholz not only brings with it a lot of money, but also a return to national and alliance defence. What consequences does this have for Flotilla 1? An interview with its commander, Flotilla Admiral Henning Faltin. Admiral, where does Operational Flotilla 1 stand today? The caesura of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine heralded a turning point in security policy, which presents our armed forces with new challenges. The consequence is an indispensable concentration on the core mission and, to a certain extent, demands a return to the core mission of national and alliance defence. In this context, the Einsatzflottille 1 with its operational focus on the northern flank and...
