Category: Magazine

Music of the future and reference to the present at the fjord

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Only ships in the head

With ideas, creativity and passion, Tamsen Maritim has conquered a place for itself in the German shipyard landscape. A visit to the Warnow. Shipyards have always been exciting. That's why reports like to start with the history. Stories then deal with traditions and building numbers, legendary classes and old craftsmanship. Not so with Tamsen Maritim. Although the Rostock-Gehlsdorf site can be traced back to 1850, it has little to do with what you find today. There are no busts of founders, no oil paintings of old schooners and certainly no collections of brass or rigging frippery. The facility is almost new, radiates planning foresight,...


First German RBS 15-shot against land target

The RBS 15 Mk 3 guided missile has been in service with the German naval forces together with its weapon platform, the class 130 corvettes, since 2008. Due to the comparatively heavy weight of its warhead, it is categorised as a heavy naval missile. It can be used against both sea and land targets, for example against military infrastructure or missile launchers. The target data is generally not provided by the corvettes' own sensors, but by other sources, such as forces on land deployed as spotters or the Sea Falcon drone deployed on corvettes. Until now, the corvettes had only fired the heavy sea target missile against sea targets. Now...


South Korea: Long-term construction project

South Korea is building modern frigates for its navy in line with its technological status. Export potential included. The Republic of Korea - South Korea for short - has a population of just under 52 million and is one of the most prosperous and economically and technologically advanced countries in Asia. Geographically, the state, which was founded in 1948 and occupies most of the Korean peninsula, is located between Japan and the People's Republic of China, surrounded by the Yellow, East China and Japan Seas. South Korea's only land border is with North Korea, with which it has been in a permanent conflict since the founding of the state, as a result of which the South Korean military is one of the best equipped in the world. Access...


Unmanned systems for maritime security

It hardly needs the confirmation of the Ukraine war to demonstrate the ever-growing importance of unmanned underwater, surface and airborne systems for maritime security. Camcopters are currently being used by Denmark, Iceland and Romania, among others, for maritime and border surveillance, supported by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). The US Navy is testing a SeaGuardian drone with electronic and communication sensors during its major Rimpac 2022 exercise. The US 7th and 5th fleets are rehearsing the use of unmanned systems in exercises with allied partners. The Royal Air Force reports successful trials with drones to saturate enemy air defences and Israel...
