Category: Magazine

Train the right thing at the right time

On 24 February, Russian forces began their invasion of Ukraine - this act, which violated international law, marked a turning point in German foreign and security policy in recent years. In this context, the Federal Chancellor also spoke of a turning point. What are the military implications of this, what does it mean for the Bundeswehr and - specifically - for training at the Naval Operations School? Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+ subscription: Access...


Exposed at sea

How does a crew behave when an emergency ditching or a crash at sea is imminent? At the Naval Operations School, aircraft crews learn practical survival skills at sea. Ditching-ditching-ditching!" During a real flight, no aircrew would ever want to hear this over the intercom of their helicopter or aeroplane. Because it means that their flight will end in a few seconds in the cold, wet and unforgiving sea. In contrast, you hear this many times a day in the water training hall of the Inspektion Überleben auf See (ÜaS) of the Marine Operations School in Bremerhaven, also known as Sea Survival. Then the underwater exit trainer glides slowly, but nevertheless...


International programmes for corvettes and frigates

The world's corvette and frigate fleets attract considerable operational and market interest. This emphasises the importance that will be attached to them in the future. Corvettes and frigates remain at the centre of planning and investment for several reasons. Firstly, the two ship classes are among the most numerous types of multi-purpose surface combatants. Unlike patrol vessels, combat boats, speedboats and other types of ships that have been specifically optimised for one mission, corvettes and frigates are generally designed to carry out missions in several maritime operational areas. In particular, this includes combating surface, air and FK attacks as well as submarine hunting. Secondly...


For flexibility and speed

After the Cold War, Denmark withheld the necessary resources from its military. The latest crises are now bringing the country closer to the USA again. Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is always good for a surprise and her invitation to a press conference at short notice with the vague topic of defence met expectations. She announced negotiations with the USA on a possible agreement on security and military cooperation. This wish was conveyed to Denmark a year ago, shortly after President Joe Biden took office. The details of the American presence in Denmark still need to be negotiated over the next few months, but the basic principles of the...


Corvettes from Germany - from export ship to successful model

Corvettes from Germany can be found all over the world today. They are known for their high quality and reliability. Cologne, Emden, Karlsruhe, Augsburg, Lübeck - these are the traditional names of the second construction batch of five Brunswick-class corvettes, taken from the Bremen-class frigates. The first two units of the new corvettes built by the K 130 consortium are currently being fitted out at the Blohm+Voss shipyard in Hamburg, with the following three units under construction. Over the next few years, the new ships will gradually be added to the 1st Corvette Squadron in Warnemünde, thus increasing the number of units stationed there from five to...
