Category: Magazine

China's fishing militia

China is consolidating its territorial claims in the South China Sea with artificially created islands. Aggressive fishing fleets and maritime militias are also intended to ensure that its citizens are fed. The G7, NATO and EU meetings of the American president in June 2021 at the latest made Europeans realise that they need to reposition themselves with regard to the People's Republic of China. This is no longer just about flying the military flag in the South China Sea, but about the future political, economic and technological relationship with a country that has long been preparing to become the number one superpower. And the European Council on Foreign Relations states: "China...


The dilemma with security architectures

A turning point in Germany. The EU is coming together in a unity rarely seen before. NATO shows its teeth. Putin's invasion of Ukraine is changing Europe. Everything suddenly has to be rethought and aligned with new realities. Economic policy, energy policy, security policy. In Ukraine, as in Georgia and Syria, Putin's soldiers have been given no opportunity for heroic deeds, not for glory and honour on the battlefield. Soldierly virtues no longer apply where war is waged against cities and civilians, where war crimes become a strategy. Where a far superior NATO has to stand by and watch, because the consequences of intervention are likely to lead to an even greater catastrophe...


Kölsch instead of sparkling wine?

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Fact or fake

In mid-February, a report spread rapidly that the Russian navy had driven a US submarine out of its waters. Hardly anyone checks the news. In this day and age, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between a credible-sounding fabrication or falsification and factually correct information. When anyone can freely proclaim their desired truth and reproduce the narrative that suits them, journalistic work becomes a risk. Research takes time - and news simply cannot wait. So whatever generates readership or hits is published, because that is the currency of the media. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also...


Contaminated sites in the Bay of Kiel

More than 75 years after the end of the Second World War, there are still thousands of tonnes of various munitions in the Baltic Sea. The danger to people and the environment remains dramatic. The Kiel Munition Clearance Week, a combined face-to-face and online conference, was attended by numerous representatives from politics, science and technical experts. Experts from Germany and abroad met to listen to highly interesting presentations and, most importantly, to hold technical discussions. The question of how close the conference was to the real problem of munitions in the sea can be answered briefly and simply: Very close, in some cases just a few hundred metres away! Access marineforum digital+ You are already a registered...
