Category: Security policy

Maritime safety during the pandemic

As in many areas, the pandemic has mercilessly exposed weaknesses in maritime security. But old problems do not simply disappear. As in many other areas of life, the impact of Covid-19 is also highlighting vulnerabilities in maritime security more clearly than ever before. And many are realising that it is not just about a possible attack by China on Taiwan, maritime provocations by Russia, Iran and China against warships and merchant ships of Western states, but also about the functioning of free maritime connections for global trade, the use of resources on the seabed and in the sea, and the use of the resources...


Deployment without deployment status

After the First Iraq War in 1991, the Persian Gulf was to be cleared of more than a thousand mines as soon as possible. Despite many adversities, Germany made an important contribution with the South Flank Mine Defence Force. The Iraq crisis began on 2 August 1990 with the invasion of Iraqi troops in Kuwait. While George H. W. Bush responded by forging an anti-Iraq coalition and uniting states from the Islamic world, NATO and members of the Warsaw Pact with one goal, the Federal Republic of Germany kept its distance during the parallel unification process. Although it also supported the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the decisions of the European Community, it...


Flag ribbon for the BERLIN task force supplier

The REUNION Marine is an association of former participants of information defence exercises (InfoWÜ) and today's official events for the information of the German Navy (InfoDVag) for civilian executives. The members see their obligation in promoting the connection between the navy and society, but also in maintaining contact with each other. If you would like to find out more, please click here:


Australia: Out of the French submarine construction programme - into AUKUS

There has been irritation in Canberra for some time regarding the defence cooperation with France for the procurement of twelve conventionally powered submarines. Australia has now decided to discontinue its cooperation with the French Naval Group as part of the "Future Submarine Programme". Instead, it has agreed to co-operate with London and Washington on the construction of nuclear-powered submarines. By the end of a 12-minute virtual press conference between US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on 15 September 2021, the Australian defence landscape had changed from the ground up. Australia is joining a new Indo-Pacific security partnership with the US and the UK...


On the way to joining the Marfor family

The DEU MARFOR command staff from the perspective of a young troop officer In a tectonically turbulent zone on the Italian coast is not only Mount Vesuvius, one of the most dangerous and notorious volcanoes on earth, but also an equally impressive NATO building. With its six floors and endlessly long corridors in almost every Western language, the Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples is equally impressive on a first visit. I am there as part of the Maritime Component Command (MCC) Liaison Cell, under the direction of our French counterpart FRMARFOR, planning the Steadfast Jupiter exercise. Together...
