Category: Technology

The commander stays at home

Modern communication and information technology is making unmanned or autonomous weapon systems possible at sea. However, many questions still need to be answered before they can be deployed. Since 1984 at the latest, perceptions and expectations of technical systems that are capable of acting autonomously have been characterised by the "Terminator" and the technical intelligence behind it, "Skynet". A machine state with almost unlimited capabilities that are only surpassed by its will to power, boundless amorality and hostility towards humanity. When we talk about autonomous systems, images and stories of the Terminator are almost automatically conjured up. The technological reality is very different. Flying...


Piled high, fallen low

The MSC Zoe lost hundreds of containers in the North Sea in 2019. Are similar accidents inevitable? The MSC Zoe accident, in which more than 342 containers went overboard off the Frisian Islands on the night of 2 January 2019, was apparently caused by the extreme rolling movements of the container ship in the stormy sea. At least that is the preliminary conclusion of the Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation (BSU) in Hamburg. According to the BSU, it was assumed that the huge ship rolled back and forth so much in the choppy sea that the lugs on the containers could no longer withstand the enormous loads...


Navy and use of drones

Naval drones: They offer many advantages and opportunities for any military, including the navy. The unmanned devices are already providing great assistance in reconnaissance and surveillance and could also significantly expand the capabilities of the navy in the future. But what are the future prospects for drones? What possible applications are there? And which different drone models are involved? What are drones? what role do drones play in the navy? are drones autonomous systems? what are drones used for by the military and the armed forces? what are the advantages of unmanned aerial and underwater drones? What are the weak points? What different drone models are there in the military? What could the prospects for the future look like?


The commander stays at home

Drones - perceptions and expectations on the subject of technical systems that are capable of acting independently have been characterised by the "Terminator" and the technical intelligence behind it, "Skynet", since 1984 at the latest. A machine state with almost unlimited capabilities that are only surpassed by its will to power, boundless amorality and hostility towards humanity. When we talk about "autonomous" systems, the images and story of the "Terminator" are almost automatically brought to mind. The technological reality is very different. Drones fly halfway around the world, tanks and ships without crews guard military installations or search for submarines and, finally, IT-supported command and control systems are part and parcel of...


Helicopter of the Navy

A far-reaching system change is currently taking place in the German Navy's helicopter sector. Over the next few years, the tried-and-tested Sea King Mk 41 and Sea Lynx Mk 88A helicopters will be replaced by the NH90 NGEN (company name of the German naval variant) in the NTH (Naval Transport Helicopter, Sea Lion) and MRFH (Multi-Role Frigate Helicopter, Sea Tiger) variants. At the same time, this requires a change in previous ways of thinking and working as well as "established" operational procedures, as the NH90 NGEN offers extensive new, modern capabilities. In order to be able to utilise these optimally, the crews and superiors on land and on board must rethink - away from...
