Category: Magazine

Sea Lynx: Under the spell of rotors with a fascination for technology

"Have you got your camera with you, a Lynx is coming to refuel later and I need some new pictures on the wall!" The dialogue with the head of the SAR field office in Warnemünde in February 2017 went something like this. From March 2019, the two of them really got going and the HelispotterMV profile was created on social networks. It should only be the helicopters of the Navy. As a result, however, there are also photos of police helicopters and companies with air rescue missions. But mainly the naval aviators. As marines, this is almost a matter of course. Some people ask...


Buster - Multi-reel organic boats for F125

With the acceptance of the first two operational boats and the functional verification runs of the first two Class 125 frigates "Baden-Württemberg" and "Rheinland-Pfalz", sufficient experience has been gained with the new buster boat type to make an assessment of its performance on the basis of practical experience - even if a final statement on this can only be made on the basis of proper driving and operational reports from the busters. Buster 19, the training boat for the naval battalion, has been in use since December 2015, while Buster 20 for the naval technology school (MTS) was accepted by ARGE F125 in April. Buster 1 to 8 have now completed a number of hours of sea service with the first two vessels...
