Category: Magazine

A life for the Duckdalben

The seafarers who come to Hamburg can always rely on "the best seamen's mission in the world", so they say. Especially during the coronavirus crisis, it was the only way for crews from all over the world to communicate, exchange information and deal with formal matters. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+ subscription: Access to all articles from the marineforum magazine Easy payment via PayPal, direct debit or credit card The subscription is free of charge.


Against transfiguration and forgetting On the death of naval historian Werner Rahn

A historical-tactical conference of the Navy without the thoughtful and questioning contribution of Dr Rahn from the first ranks of the dignitaries was previously unthinkable - now it has become a sad truth due to his death in November 2022. Unlike many of his predecessors with and without uniform, the aim of his work was not the unconditional defence of the "blue cloth" against all critics, but rather the arduous and often unpleasant "search for historical truth", which was also the programmatic title of one of his most important writings. The numerous studies by Captain (retired) Dr .... ranged between meticulous analysis, critical presentation and fair judgement.


Where are the young savages?

A glance at the HiTaTa auditorium once again suggests that "age before ambition" was a key criterion when compiling the invitation list. But this is hardly the way to initiate innovative and fruitful discussions. I am delighted and inspired by the tangible sense of community in the event room in Linstow. The discussions of those present hang heavy in the air, as they engage heatedly with what they have heard between presentations. The uniformly navy blue-coloured crowd sips from their coffee cups. I feel, as I haven't for a long time, that I am part of We. Even if we don't all have the same opinion...


Leadership as a tradition

After the enforced break due to the coronavirus pandemic, leading figures from the navy came together again for the first time at the Historical Tactical Conference. The fruitful dialogue between young and experienced officers was revived for the 62nd time. It is the German Navy's annual event in January: the Historical-Tactical Conference. But nobody in naval circles calls it that. It is the HiTaTa, which was held at the conference hotel in Linstow for the 62nd time since its premiere in 1957 after a two-year break due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Initiated by the then Commander of the Naval Forces, Rear Admiral Rolf Johannesson, in order to learn from history in an open and critical atmosphere, the format has continued to develop....


A long journey

When Flotilla Admiral Axel Schulz, Commander of Operational Flotilla 2, handed over command of the 4th Frigate Squadron on 19 January, it was not the kind of ceremony we are used to at the Heppenser Groden naval base. Kapitän zur See Dirk Jacobus handed over his four BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG-class ships to Kapitän zur See Matthias Schmitt, thus ending a period in command that, at five and a half years, not only represents a record, but also a turning point in the navy. When Jacobus took over the squadron, the frigate BADEN WÜRTTEMBERG had only been in the water for a year and was returned to the manufacturer in 2017 due to various defects. Jacobus, who was involved with KARLSRUHE, AUGSBURG...
