Category: Magazine

Naval fleet: regionally rooted, globally committed

The war in Ukraine and the 100 billion package: the turnaround proclaimed by Chancellor Scholz has also left its mark on the navy. In an interview with marineforum, the Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Jan C. Kaak, explains the changed situation for his branch of the armed forces. The war in Ukraine has been going on for over six months. What does this mean in concrete terms for the German Navy? When I ordered the navy on 24 February to "Everything that swims, get out", it was with a sense of "Not during our watch!" And that is exactly what the men and women of the navy have - on land, at sea and in the air...


Class 125 frigate: Forward-looking solutions

A few weeks ago, the RHEINLAND-PFALZ, the fourth and last Class 125 frigate, was commissioned. Time to take a look at the problems and successes of this huge project to date. Two high-profile events at the beginning of 2022 were emblematic of the progress made by the Class 125 frigates: firstly, the RHEINLAND-PFALZ, the fourth and final ship of the class, was accepted by the industry on 28 January, and secondly, a ship of the class was involved in the German Navy's "flying the flag" in the Baltic Sea at the beginning of March in connection with the Ukraine conflict. The Class 125 is now not only part of the familiar...


Shipyards Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - Create facts!

The shipyard landscape in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has long been characterised by ups and downs. Investors came, investors went. This year everything is different. With the Russian attack on Ukraine, Germany, the Bundeswehr and especially the German Navy were faced with a new security situation. By issuing the order "Everything that floats!", the inspector of the navy, Vice Admiral Jan C. Kaack, sent a clear message. Meanwhile, the Naval Command, together with the Naval Support Command and the Naval Arsenal, analysed the fleet's ability to hold out in all eventualities. The result shows an urgent need for action. The suspension of international obligations while at the same time participating in permanent...


Thoughts on the Russian naval doctrine

Russia's President Putin also adopts an aggressive maritime tone. Does the strength of his fleet justify this behaviour? At this year's Fleet Day, Vladimir Putin presented a new Russian naval doctrine. It is attracting attention less because of its content than because of the aggressive nature of its announcement. The new doctrine is derived from the threat posed by the West, in particular the USA and its navy, and thus fits into the long-term Russian narrative of external threat and encirclement. Following a familiar pattern, this is intended to justify further Russian offensives as pre-emptive counter-attacks. In fact, the new doctrine is designed to be used...


Emergency rescue centre - better without a container

The German Navy is taking another important step into the future with the new emergency rescue centre. The focus is on modernisation and efficiency. The loss of the Naval Rescue Centre (Merz), which was part of the FRANKFURT AM MAIN task force provider (EGV), in 2015 due to a major fire in a shipyard hall made it necessary to procure a new one. The development of the new rescue centre is based on the experience gained with the container modules Marine Operations Rescue Centre I and II in the technical operational network with the task force supply vessels BERLIN and FRANKFURT AM MAIN since 2002. The rescue centre is now integrated in a deckhouse that is permanently connected to the upper deck and the ship's superstructure and provides the necessary rescue services as part of the...
