Flag ribbon presentation by the Governing MayorPhoto: May-Barg

Flag ribbon presentation by the Governing Mayor Photo: May-Barg

Flag ribbon for the BERLIN task force supplier

Ceremonial handover of the flag ribbon to the City of Berlin's sponsored ship

On 20 August 2021, the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, In Wilhelmshaven, the Bundeswehr presented a flag ribbon to the task force provider BERLIN in Germany, the highest honour a country can bestow on a military unit: "Our Bundeswehr risks a great deal in the name of Germany to make the world a safer place. We need to raise awareness of this in our country." Read the detailed report on the Reunion Marine homepage! https://reunion-marine.de/meldungen/feierliche-uebergabe-des-fahnenbandes-an-das-patenschiff-der-stadt-berlin-den-einsatzgruppenversorger-berlin/

Who is the Reunion?

REUNION Marine is an association of former participants in information defence exercises (InfoWÜ) and the current German Navy information events (InfoDVag) for civilian managers. The members see their obligation in promoting the connection between the navy and society, but also in maintaining contact with each other. If you would like to find out more, please click here: https://reunion-marine.de/reunion/

Text and photo: Jenny May-Barg

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