
marineforum online editorial office


German Maritime Institute e.V. (DMI)
Jadeallee 102, 26382 Wilhelmshaven

Association register number: VR 202315
Local court: Oldenburg

Phone: +49 (0)4421 500 47-0
Fax: +49 (0)4421 500 47- 29
[email protected]

Responsible for journalistic-editorial content of within the meaning of § 18 MStV: Sascha Helge Rackwitz



Rear Admiral (ret.) Karsten Schneider

Flotilla Admiral Sascha Helge Rackwitz

Managing Director
Former staff captain lieutenant Karl-Hubert Brüdegam

marineforum online Design, UX & Interactive, Commercials

Channel 8
Harburger Schloßstraße 30, 21079 Hamburg
Phone (040) 32 89 28 93

Art Direction, Design:
Hakan Savasogan
[email protected]

Project management:
Michaela Savasogan
[email protected]

SEO, Commercials:
Michaela Savasogan
[email protected]

Content management, social media:
Iryna Klühn

Lennart Jauernig
digital40 WordPress Agency Hamburg

marineforum Print editorial office

Holger Schlüter Captain (retired)
[email protected]

German Maritime Competence Network dmkn
Ottmar Becher Former frigate captain
[email protected]

Armour technology
Hans-Uwe Mergener Captain (retired)
[email protected]

Maritime and international law
Dr Michael Stehr

Marines from all over the world
Axel Stephenson Captain (retired)

History Book reviews
Dr Heinrich Walle Former frigate captain


Economy and harbours
Anna Wroblewski (in co-operation with HANSA)

Sidney E. Dean, Hans Karr, Daniel Angres, Michael Nitz, Dieter Stockfisch, Andreas Uhl, Klaus-Dieter Klages

Service & publishing office

Telephone (02 28) 35 00 870
Fax (02 28) 35 00 871
e-mail: [email protected]

Renate Herrmanns
Telephone (02 28) 35 00 880
Fax (02 28) 35 00 871
[email protected]

Markus Wenzel
Phone +49 (0)40 - 707080 - 226
e-mail [email protected]

Print production, advertising management online and print

Mittler Report Verlag GmbH

A company of the Tamm Media Hamburg Group, Beethovenallee 21, 53173 Bonn Tel.: +49 (0) 228 3500 870

Advertising management online and print 
Susanne Sinß, Phone: +49 (0) 4070 7080 310
[email protected]

Advertising representation Eastern Europe/Ireland/Turkey/United Kingdom/France/Italy
Stephen Barnard, Phone: +49 (0) 228 3500 886
[email protected]

Advertising representation USA/Canada
Black Rock Media, Inc.
Diane Obright, Tel.: +1 858 759 3557
[email protected]

Advertising representation Benelux/Scandinavia/Baltic States/Israel
Stephen Elliott, Phone: +49 (0) 228 3500 872
[email protected]

Creativ Consulting GmbH Meckenheim
Phone: +49 (0) 2225 608 6742

Lehmann Offset Druck und Verlag GmbH Norderstedt

Magazine ordering and subscriber support

Mittler Report Verlag GmbH
Beethovenallee 21, D-53173 Bonn
Phone (0228) 3500-888
Fax (0228) 3500-871
e-mail [email protected]


The magazine marineforum is published ten times a year. The price per issue is € 9.20 plus postage,
Subscription price € 82.00 per year including shipping costs (not by airmail or abroad). The subscription is renewed for a further year unless cancelled in writing six weeks before the end of the subscription period. Prices are subject to change. The place of jurisdiction and fulfilment is Bonn. The articles or letters to the editor labelled with the names or initials of the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editors. No liability is accepted for unsolicited manuscripts and images. By accepting a manuscript, the publisher also acquires the right to partial publication and abridgement. All reprinting rights are reserved. marineforum, also a publication of the Naval Officers' Association, is independent, non-partisan and is not supported by authorities, institutions or ministries. marineforum deals with maritime topics in general, in particular security policy, technology, armed forces and naval topics, the German Navy, shipping, shipbuilding and marine technology, historical topics and book reviews.

ISSN (general edition) 0172 - 8547
ISSN (members' edition) 0172 - 8539

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