Why become a MOV member?
We are striving for a future in which maritime identity and security policy expertise are deeply rooted in German society. Our vision is to be the leading network for maritime discoursea place where current and future generations of naval officers, experts and maritime enthusiasts can meet, exchange ideas and receive further training.
Through our digital and physical presence, we aim to broaden the horizons of maritime knowledge and create a broad understanding of the role of the oceans in our global security and economy. By using state-of-the-art communication technologies and incorporating diverse perspectives, we want to revitalise and shape the maritime discourse in Germany and beyond.
We see ourselves as innovators and opinion leaders who make an impact not only in the maritime community, but in society as a whole. We are driven by the continuous improvement of maritime culture and security policy through education, dialogue and networking.
Together, we want to shape a sustainable maritime future based on cooperation, knowledge and respect.
About the MOV
Values. Interest. Network.
The Wertegemeinschaft Marine-Offizier-Vereinigung MOV is a network of former and active naval officers. Maritime thinking, traditions and cohesion are our spiritual home. The special flair of the profession is our passion. The bridge between juniors and seniors is our identity. We are independent, non-partisan and spread the "maritime idea".
The MOV forms a network through its connections to and between people and organisations interested in the maritime sector. Within this network, communication takes place in the magazine marineforum and on the Internet in the closed MOV forum (only after registration). The annual general meeting with keynote speeches, discussions and joint events strengthens the network.
Members and initiatives
All members are listed by name in the MOV member directory. Sorting by address, postcode, crew affiliation / year of birth and profession makes searching easier. A list of addresses of related associations and organisations is also available. Crew supervisors and exhibition chairmen can post short messages in the internal MOV/ MOH/ DMI news of the MarineForum free of charge.
As already announced at the last general meeting, the Young MOV has been thinking about how to make the MOV more attractive. The following are considerations for one of the building blocks under consideration.
MOV Network 2.0
One of the founding ideas of the Marine-Offizier-Hilfe was the mutual support of retiring officers - "Officers helping officers". In recent years, this has been done on a voluntary basis by providing advice and arranging employment after the end of service. Former members of the navy who were now successfully employed and wanted to share their experience and contacts were able to get involved as mentors.
We would like to expand the network character beyond the existing mentoring programme for retiring officers and think further in terms of an active MOV network. At the same time, we want to raise awareness of our community of values and bring it back into the centre of the naval officer corps.
The aim is for older and more experienced active naval officers to act as mentors for younger comrades (mentees). If necessary, the older mentees are to advise the younger mentees and, where possible, provide specific assistance with their professional and career planning. To this end, young mentees are given the opportunity to meet regularly in person over a longer period of time and may also be offered internships.
The mentors are assigned to their mentees by subject and, if possible, region in order to ensure the best possible exchange. They become part of the programme-related network in the long term and therefore have access to a unique pool of young talent over time. Both sides are invited to MOV events and programme dates and can draw on the support of MOV for their mentoring.
The Structure is based on the existing network framework for retiring officers:
The MOV calls on all members who would like to actively contribute to our traditional objectives to make themselves available as mentors. At the same time, it calls on young officers to take advantage of the opportunities as mentees and possibly become mentors themselves later on.
Contact us
Contact is established for both sides by e-mail via the office. Mentors and mentees indicate which specialism they are interested in [surgical service (boat, ship, air, land),
Ship technology, command support and equipment technology, logistics, PÖA, personnel management - or marine in general, if there is no preference yet] and in which geographical area they can be mentored or would like to be mentored [coast west, north, east, Berlin, Rhine region (Cologne-Bonn-Koblenz), abroad]. In addition, mentees consent to the transmission of their contact details to Mentors.
Selection and allocation
The office keeps an overview in the form of a database and will try to find suitable recipients on the basis of "supply and demand". A mentee can only be assigned to one mentor at a time, but they can certainly mentor several mentees. Mentors are then given the contact details of the respective mentee. Establishing and maintaining contact is then the responsibility of the respective person; this is not the task of the office.
Web presence
In the medium term, the MOV is planning its own platform on its internet portal "marineforum.online". The
The "Network" section is filled with articles from the current reporting or advertorials of the marineforum, which show all members of the navy (!) the opportunities and offers of the marine-related labour sector and invite them to conduct their own research.
- Exchange only on a professional and comradely basis;
- Participants are MOV members;
- Discretion is maintained;
- Office distributes the "load";
- no legal claims whatsoever.
For the Young MOV
Fabian Dilly
Lieutenant Captain
Member of the Board of Directors & JuMOV Representative
Become a MOV member

What do I get out of it?
- Access to the network of all age groups and maintaining contacts
- Connection to institutions, academies and companies with a maritime connection
- Communication with each other without hurdles, even after working hours
- Support with career choices and changes
- Help for student officers looking for internships and contacts
- Procurement of speakers, keynote speakers and moderators
- Subscription to marineforum and thus free access to marineforum.online
- Opportunity to self-publish and achieve personal reach
- Access to events organised by the German Maritime Institute
- Various benefits
What will it cost me?
Participation in the listed privileges and media costs €95 (OA' €55) per year. The membership fee pays off, it is an investment in the representation of the interests of the active navy, i.e. also for our wonderful profession and its relevance.
I am interested in becoming a member. Please get in touch with me:
It is also possible for companies to become co-operative members and support the work of MOV. In this case, please contact [email protected].
Request information material:
Naval Officers' Association e.V.
Jade avenue 102
26382 Wilhelmshaven
Call: 04421 50047-0
Fax: 04421 50047-29
e-mail: [email protected]
Here you can download the application form, membership fee regulations etc. (Adobe Reader version 11 or higher required):
Application for membership/membership form
Contribution regulation
Data protection
Members recruit members
That was 60 years ago and has lost none of its topicality! The MOV Board of Directors and the Management Board urge you to do the same: Recruit members! Think of comrades who are not part of a crew you were with. Recruit them. Bring us your missing crew mates. Talk to them too. The MOH is an aid organisation for everyone!
This was written in the then MOH-Nachrichten (forerunner of the Marineforum), issue 7-1960. No "website", no matter how fancy, and no "flyer", no matter how snappy, can replace a personal approach: "Recruit members Members".