The Orion precisely positions the transformer platform, photo: Liebherr

The Orion brings the transformer platform precisely into position, Photo: Liebherr

5000-tonne heavy-duty crane has passed the test

The 5000-tonne heavy-duty crane built by crane manufacturer Liebherr in Rostock and mounted on the special ship "Orion" has proven itself for the first time during the installation of the largest monopiles ever produced in Europe at the German wind farm Arcadis Ost 1 and the lifting of a transformer platform at the French wind farm Fécamp. The "Orion" was first used at the Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm for the installation of 28 wind turbine foundations. There, monopiles up to 110 metres long and weighing up to 2,100 tonnes had to be positioned on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. This was followed by the deployment at the Fècamp wind farm, where the 1,300 tonne jacket foundation first had to be placed on the prepared seabed. The 2,200 tonne transformer platform then had to be placed on the foundation. The schedule for this work was tight due to the prevailing weather conditions.

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