Category: MOV

! Important information about the general meeting!

Ladies and gentlemen, dear members, you will still find the documents for the planned general meeting on 5 June 2021 in the yellow pages of the print edition of MarineForum 05-2021. Due to the pandemic situation, the Board of Directors has decided to postpone this in-person event rather than hold it. The twilight pint planned for 4 June at the German Naval Museum will also be postponed. However, as the MOV's ability to act must be maintained, the Executive Board, VAdm a.D. Nolting, has decided, in accordance with our Articles of Association, to first convene an Extraordinary General Meeting and hold it by way of circulation by e-mail and post. The latter is possible due to the current legal situation regarding the association's work....


Congratulations from MOV on its centenary

On 10 March, the Treasurer and the Chairman paid their respects to the jubilarian Captain (ret.). D. Hans-Harro Stüben (C X/39) and conveyed the congratulations of the Naval Officers' Association. Captain Stüben was both delighted and honoured by our visit. Although the jubilarian has only moved into the assisted living centre at Wilhelmshaven town hall a few weeks ago, the sprightly resident, who has already been vaccinated against the coronavirus, feels extremely comfortable in his flat and confirmed with a mischievous smile that the house is of course very well run because it is in the hands of a woman! Obviously, the...


! NEW PUBLICATION ! " Marine course" Exclusively for MOV members

Being a naval officer was and still is not just a profession, but a vocation. The book Kurs Marine, edited by our former inspector, Vice Admiral (ret.) Wolfgang Nolting on behalf of the Marine-Offizier-Vereinigung e.V., traces the basic lines of German naval history and provides answers to the questions of maritime identity and self-positioning. Where are the historical and ideational anchorages of the navy and thus also of the MOV? What ethical awareness has been developed over the decades? How do we put these special values into practice? Individual authors - from first lieutenants to admirals - provide us with an insight into the inner workings of our navy.


Seamen's Sunday digital on 4 February

The German Naval Museum announces Seemannssonntag digital: The museum year 2020 and status of the project "New concept for the German Naval Museum" 4 February 2021, 15:00 - 16:00 The so-called "Seemannssonntag" - based on the naval tradition of the same name - takes place regularly on the first Thursday of the month. The focus here is on information from the museum about the museum as well as topics related to German naval history and dialogue with interested participants. For some time now, this can no longer take place in the museum café with a hot drink and a slice of cake, but we are continuing this tradition, which has now also become a museum tradition...


Digital Sailor Sunday

Dear MOV members in the Wilhelmshaven area, dear comrades, With the copy of the announcement page of the German Navy Museum, I would like to draw your attention to the Digital Sailor's Sunday on Thursday, 07 January 2021 from 15:00, organised jointly with the MOV. In addition to the general "Schnack", it will be dedicated to a highly topical subject of the German Navy under the moderation of the DMM's scientific staff member Dr Schröder. I have asked the Einsatzflottille 2 whether a representative could join in to represent the "active forces". The following links will take you to the official information pages...
