Category: Armed Forces

The naval arsenal mobilises

On board the floating units, the servicemen and women are to carry out more repairs themselves again. They receive support from the naval arsenal. In this day and age, you might ask yourself what the headline is supposed to mean. Is the naval arsenal calling in reservists for support? Has it recently started using its own boats in order to be more mobile? To answer these questions, a short preface is necessary. The Inspector General of the German Armed Forces, General Eberhard Zorn, has commissioned the Navy to take the lead in addressing the issue of immediate repairs in order to increase operational readiness. By January 2021, cooperation with the Naval Arsenal (MArs) in...


Small forces, big impact

The Swedish navy also reduced the number of its units after the end of the Cold War. However, Putin's annexation of Crimea in 2014 prompted those responsible to change their minds. On 18 May, the Swedish government officially submitted its application to join the NATO defence alliance. At the same time, NATO headquarters in Brussels received an application for membership from neighbouring Finland. In addition to the two Scandinavian countries, NATO itself will also benefit greatly from the accession - once all hurdles have been cleared and all 30 existing NATO member states have given their approval. Both countries bring modern and highly trained armed forces to the alliance, whose respective priorities...


Smoke on the Water

Every soldier on board must be able to fight a fire. High-quality, multi-stage training is therefore essential. The Naval Damage Control Training Centre in Neustadt in Holstein is a training facility of the German Navy. Training is provided in operational and basic training as well as by the specialised medical services group. Operational training is responsible for training the crews of seagoing units and basic training is responsible for training divers and damage defence forces, among other things. Why does the German Navy go to such lengths and maintain its own training centre? The answer lies in the special features of seafaring on military units. Safe participation in maritime traffic is...


Sweden's navy on course for the future

Sweden is currently experiencing a profound change in security policy, which will strengthen the country's navy in the long term after years of cutbacks and make it a valuable partner in the NATO alliance. Russia's aggressive behaviour towards Ukraine since 2014 has heralded an early turnaround in security policy in Sweden, which is also making itself felt in the country's navy. The revitalisation of missile-based coastal protection by the naval infantry in 2016, the re-conscription of conscripts to the navy since 2018, the reopening of the Muskö naval base the following year and the planned relocation of the naval staff here this year are just a few signs of a security policy upheaval in Sweden.


All eyes are on China

Two years ago, the Rimpac manoeuvre was rather small due to the pandemic. The growing threat from China will bring the 27 participating nations closer together again in 2022. Rimpac (Rim of the Pacific), the world's largest large-scale multinational maritime manoeuvre, has been held every two years in the Western Pacific region around Hawaii since 1971. It is planned and organised by the Commander US Pacific Fleet. While 26 nations took part in 2018 with a large contingent of naval and naval air forces, aircraft and a total of around 25,000 soldiers, Rimpac 2020 only took place with ten nations on a very limited scale due to the coronavirus pandemic....
