Category: Armed Forces

Helicopter of the Navy

A far-reaching system change is currently taking place in the German Navy's helicopter sector. Over the next few years, the tried-and-tested Sea King Mk 41 and Sea Lynx Mk 88A helicopters will be replaced by the NH90 NGEN (company name of the German naval variant) in the NTH (Naval Transport Helicopter, Sea Lion) and MRFH (Multi-Role Frigate Helicopter, Sea Tiger) variants. At the same time, this requires a change in previous ways of thinking and working as well as "established" operational procedures, as the NH90 NGEN offers extensive new, modern capabilities. In order to be able to utilise these optimally, the crews and superiors on land and on board must rethink - away from...


The enablers

Expanding maritime capabilities with amphibious assault boats Early in the morning on the western edge of the Pacific: small teams of Marines in company strength storm towards remote islands in their mobile assault boats. Supported by unmanned drones, the US Marines attack enemy landing ships and other warships with missiles before they can unload their invasion forces or advance into the depths of the Pacific. The target data generated by the combat boats is simultaneously passed on to your own air force and navy. These support the defence campaign with long-range missiles. In order to evade potential retaliatory strikes from the air, the Leathernecks change their location every 48 to 72 hours by moving from...


Testing ground for closer partnership with NATO?

Peacekeeping missions of the Latin American armed forces Thirteen Latin American countries are involved in international peacekeeping missions, humanitarian missions or multinational missions to secure the oceans. Frequent deployment locations are Africa and the Middle East. The personnel deployed vary according to the mission, from a handful of observers to company and battalion-sized units including support troops. In line with the operational environment, primarily army troops are deployed, but naval forces are also deployed. Argentina: Buenos Aires participates in the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus (two infantry companies plus transport helicopters) and deploys observers to the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights and the Western Sahara. Between 1995 and 2004, Argentina also deployed troops to support...


Maritime confrontation in the Eastern Mediterranean

In September 2020, extensive naval and air manoeuvres by the armed forces of Greece, Cyprus, France and Italy took place in the Eastern Mediterranean, accompanied by diplomatic warnings to Turkey to respect the International Convention on the Law of the Sea and customary international law. The Turkish Navy had issued several Navtexes announcing test drillings by the research vessel ORUÇ REIS south of Cyprus. This work was extended until mid-October. At the same time, the drilling vessel YAVUZ is carrying out investigations in the region. Turkish research vessels are being protected by Turkish naval units and other nations are being asked to stay away from the area. Greece and Cyprus consider the territory in question to be part of their...
