Category: Magazine

Don't forget the Atlantic for all the Pacific

So now it has sailed, the navy's Indo-Pacific convoy. There is a lot to read about it, about the two ships, the crews, the military-political significance of the voyage and the security policy context in South-East Asia. Once around the globe! But before the convoy reached the Pacific Ocean and, much later, the Indian Ocean, it steered a westerly course through the Atlantic Ocean for three weeks. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Here it goes...


Ships in the shade

We reported on the new Class 707 naval fuel supply vessels, which have now been laid down. However, the ways in which tankers were procured were not always so ideal. The ancient shipbuilding tradition of hammering a coin into the keel of a ship is said to have existed thousands of years ago, as coins have been found under old ship masts during excavations. This is said to bring good sailing and good luck to the ship and crew at all times. The navy has not been waiting quite as long - but quite a while - for a replacement for the outdated Rhön-class fuel supply vessels. These single-hull tankers are still doing their duty thanks to professional crews, but...


High-precision weapon of the future

Testing of the laser weapon demonstrator on the frigate SACHSEN was recently completed. Insight into the future of maritime defence technology. In a constantly changing threat landscape, the further development of defence technologies is essential. This also applies to new types of high-energy laser weapons, as they offer great potential for future applications. Until now, powerful lasers have only been tested in Germany under laboratory-like conditions. The "high-precision and scalable effect of a laser weapon system against agile/low-signature targets in the near and close range of floating naval system carriers" (HoWiSM) has now been demonstrated for the first time in a sea-based laser weapon demonstrator on the frigate SACHSEN as part of the project of the same name. Access marineforum digital+ You are already...


The opportunity is an obligation

The Bundeswehr is therefore becoming fit for war. A consistent focus on national and alliance defence in the overall national context is the order of the day. A tough rudder situation, one might say. This time, it is essential that the general public supports the changes in the armed forces. Communication is of crucial importance - in the context of change management, it is considered a key success factor. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+ subscription: Access to all articles from the...



The German naval battalion has been working closely with the Royal Dutch Corps Mariniers for many years. Both sides have benefited from this. German-Dutch naval cooperation has its roots in the early realisation of the growing "responsibility of European alliance members to jointly formulate their special interests [vis-à-vis the USA]" and to counter the "gap between rising defence costs and budgetary constraints" through military cooperation. This was the rationale of the 1970 White Paper and it seems more relevant today than ever. Historically, the two countries have similar interests and challenges in terms of their maritime security and defence. For many years, cooperation between the two...
