Category: Magazine

The downfall of the Westerners

You read the headline "4-day week in the navy!" This causes confusion. Our minister, Boris Pistorius, our inspector general, General Carsten Breuer, and our naval inspector, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, mention it again and again: "Just do it!" And they also say that the existing regulations and directives can be stretched to the limit - as long as no one is disadvantaged and operational readiness is not jeopardised. The 3rd Minesweeping Squadron has "just done it" in the current pilot project of the Operational Flotilla 1. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost...


Prove operational capability

Turning point, return to national and alliance defence. This means that the navy must once again be able to hold its own in high-intensity combat. An important component in achieving this goal is the Multidimensional Naval Warfare Training Centre of Operational Flotilla 2. "Good morning crew, today is Thursday, Weekly War! 'Ginger' will not make it easy for us today. But we'll get through it." This announcement over the ship's loudspeaker system on board a frigate in the sea area around Helgoland suggests an exciting and strenuous day of sweaty work. The frigate is in the German Operational Sea Training German Authorities (Gost GEA).... during its operational training programme to achieve the operational capability level Bravo


Between bust and video wall

The MSM assembly hall is simultaneously a place of learning, a meeting place and the "living room" of the Navy. The current redesign harmonises past and present. Over eight years ago, the then Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Andreas Krause, posed the question in a named article in marineforum as to whether German naval history since 1956 was sufficiently represented in the place that the naval officer corps sometimes refers to as its "living room". Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+...


Regionally rooted, globally committed!

For the German Navy, too, this means a return to a focus on national and alliance defence. In an interview with marineforum, Vice Admiral Frank Lenski, Commander of the Fleet and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, talks about the resulting willingness to take on responsibility, current problems and the importance of reserve service personnel. Admiral, how do you currently assess the situation on NATO's northern maritime flank - especially with regard to the Baltic Sea? As you know, NATO's northern flank is our operational centre of gravity. It already was, but our presence here has been further strengthened. In the Baltic Sea in particular, we have everything...


50 Jahre DMI  

Im Jahr des 175. Marinegeburtstags begeht das Deutsche Maritime Institut sein 50. Jubiläum. Es wurde 1973 als Deutsches Marineinstitut gegründet. Seinerzeit vermissten engagierte Marineoffiziere unter ihrem Spiritus Rector, Flottillenadmiral Alfred „Munki“ Schumann, eine angemessene Berücksichtigung der Marine in den Diskussionen über die Bundeswehr. Sie wollten Marineexperten zusammenführen und ihnen eine Stimme in der sicherheitspolitischen Debatte geben. Netzwerke und Veröffentlichungen sind seither die Aufgaben des DMI. Zugang marineforum digital+ Sie sind bereits registrierter Nutzer? Jetzt hier einloggen - auch MOV Mitglieder: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here to...
