Category: Magazine

Up the drive and hard on the rudder ...

High-ranking representatives from the navy and industry attended this year's anniversary event of the naval workshop in the northern German province. One thing became clear: procurement is a priority - at least in the near future. ... was the motto of the 25th Naval Workshop of the German Society for Defence Technology in Linstow. Even if this title seemed rather daring from the point of view of practical seamanship, it was a special event in many respects. Both the workshop itself and the 175th anniversary of the German Navy were reasons for good humour in advance. In particular, the record number of 625 visitors and the 60 exhibitors from the defence industry were clearly a reason to...


China: First Type 054B guided missile frigate

Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding in Shanghai launched the first guided missile frigate of the Jiangkai III class (Type 054B) at the end of August. With a length of 147 metres and a displacement of around 6,000 tonnes, the all-electric successor to the Jiangkai II class (Type 054A) is definitely a new design that is expected to reduce energy consumption and increase combat power despite being 50 percent larger. In contrast to the Renhai destroyer (Type 055), a rotating phased array radar system can be seen on the integrated mast superstructure, which will make the frigate comparable to modern Western frigates and destroyers in terms of its air defence capabilities. The new 100-millimetre gun also makes it more effective than its predecessor in terms of air defence capability.


Firing from all cylinders

Western navies want to defend their supremacy by developing new guns and missiles. New in the race is the railgun. In the first half of the 20th century, the most powerful naval unit was the battleship, a floating fortress of steel armed with guns of more than 300 millimetres calibre that could attack targets at a distance. However, despite its destructive potential, shooting at the time was characterised by more misses than hits. In a battle more than 80 years ago, a battle cruiser armed with 28-centimetre guns had to fire around 200 times to hit targets, despite its then state-of-the-art fire control system.


Achilles heel: personnel

Over the next few years, many modern ships will be arriving at Flotilla 2. But personnel is the strategic challenge for operational readiness. The commander of Operational Flotilla 2 has the task of providing ships that are capable of assertiveness and perseverance for combat on the high seas in order to provide the naval inspector with maritime capabilities and options for action for the defence of the Federal Republic of Germany and its allies - worldwide, multidimensional and capable of leadership. In order to meet this requirement, especially in the context of refocusing on national and alliance defence, not only well-equipped warships are needed, but above all fully trained, capable and trained in the field.


IT for the future of the navy

The German Mission Network aims to maintain the Navy's command and control capability. Harmonisation and standardisation should significantly expand capabilities. Digitalisation optimises the assertiveness of the armed forces and increases the operational capability of the Bundeswehr as a whole. For the armed forces, digitalisation is a key element for information, command and effectiveness superiority. But also to improve their own protection and their ability to assert themselves and respond. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here to subscribe to marineforum digital+: Access to all articles...
