Category: Magazine

Skirmishes in the Baltic Sea

After the beginning of the Second World War, the Kriegsmarine took over the bathing ship Rugard. In the final days of the war, it rescued thousands of refugees and soldiers. Like many other German passenger ships, the Rugard, which was launched on 13 March 1927 at Stettiner Oderwerke and used in the seaside resort service, was requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine during the Second World War. She was initially a flagship and supply ship before finally being deployed as the lead ship of the 9th Security Division. In this capacity, she not only saw the end of the war, but also Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username...


China: EloKa-Jet now carrier-capable

After a squadron of J-15Ts could be seen flying in formation over the Liaoning and Shandong carriers and two J-15Ds could also be seen on the flight deck of the Shandong (305/315 metres, 60-70,000 tonnes), China officially unveiled these new aircraft variants at the Zhuhai Airshow at the beginning of November. The Shenyang J-15 ("Feisha" - Flying Shark) was developed as a carrier fighter jet based on the Russian Sukhoi Su-33. The People's Liberation Navy (PLAN) was able to acquire corresponding prototype modules in the Ukraine in 2001. Russia later described the J-15 as an "unlicensed clone of the Su-33" and complained in 2009 when China presented the finished model. The J-15T is...


Four billion for a frigate?

The Australian Hunter-class frigate programme: costs out of control? The Australian Hunter-class frigate programme is facing a financial crisis. The planned nine ships have been reduced to six, but the costs are rising dramatically and are exceeding the original budget. The Australian Hunter-class frigate programme is spiralling out of control as construction costs continue to rise. Australia's future "Global Combat Ship", the Hunter-class frigates, are based on the Type 26 developed in the UK by BAE Systems. These ships were intended to be one of the most efficient combat vessels in the world, but the budget planning is getting increasingly out of control. The budget had earmarked 2.5 billion euros per ship...


On the way to the glass ocean

Maritime data cables and pipelines have repeatedly been the target of attacks. Interdisciplinary cooperation could significantly improve the security of critical underwater infrastructure. Increasing geopolitical uncertainty and repeated incidents, such as the recently reported espionage by Russian research vessels in European waters, have highlighted the vulnerability of critical underwater infrastructure. The threat to pipelines, offshore wind farms and especially communication cables is increasing. This is illustrated by the damage to the C-Lion1 cable between Finland and Germany and the BCS East-West Interlink, which connects Lithuania with the Swedish island of Gotland. These infrastructures are access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Weiterlesen

Australia: NVL divests itself of the "Arafura"

It is called "Project Sea 1180" and comprises six (optionally twelve) OPVs of 80 metres in length and 1,700 tonnes displacement - ordered from Naval Vessels Lürssen (NVL). The Arafura class was developed from the Darussalam OPV built for Brunei. Two boats were to be built at Osborne in Adelaide on the south-east coast and the other four at Civmec in Henderson/Perth in the west with technology transfer from Lürssen. Civmec was chosen as the Australian subcontractor, even though Australia would have preferred to see Austal in the job. After the project was severely delayed and the project was classified as a "project of concern" at the end of 2023, the...
