Category: Magazine

American-Norwegian defence agreement

Although the primary goal of Norwegian policy is to keep the Arctic free of military tensions and maintain good neighbourly relations with Russia, the country has initiated a change of course in recent years, which culminated in the defence agreement with the USA in April. Parliament still has to approve the agreement. This is Norway's response to the expansion of Russian bases on the Cola Peninsula and the Franz Josef Islands and the expansion and modernisation of the Russian Northern Fleet. The sober assessment from the Norwegian side is therefore that its own military capacities are no longer sufficient to be able to react appropriately to Russian pressure. The...


Restriction of armaments between the world wars

The Washington Conference on the Limitation of Naval Armaments took place 100 years ago. In the course of the conference, three important treaties were agreed that shaped the political and military situation in the run-up to the Second World War. Shortly after the end of the First World War, new potential for conflict emerged among the victorious powers. The most significant factors were the escalating arms race among the remaining naval powers and the strategic competition between these states in the Pacific region. This also included the danger of aggression against a politically and militarily weak China. The situation in China was particularly precarious. The country had sided politically with the Entente powers in the First World War;...


Sea battalion - In action between land and sea

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Gorch Fock off Lisbon

Shortly before the Gorch Fock sailed into its first foreign harbour after its long time in the shipyard, the commander of the sail training ship, Captain Nils Brandt, contacted the editor-in-chief of MarineForum with good news. He reports that this first phase of training has been very successful. A brief look back After the stresses and strains of the constantly lengthening repair period, which was accompanied by rather unfavourable media coverage, the crew mastered their first real sea voyage with great motivation, joy and enthusiasm. "We were able to cover a thousand miles under sail" and gain confidence and routine in handling the ship and rigging. The decisive basis for the...


The containers have had their day

After more than 20 years of service, the Marine Rescue Centre is now being "reinvented". The future i-Merz is optimised in terms of medical technology and comprehensively integrated into the task force providers. The three task force supply centres are the backbone of the German Navy for supplying national and international naval units during operations and exercises. Over 230 tonnes of provisions and 9000 cubic metres of fuel - enough to refuel 130,000 mid-range cars in an entire small town - are just a small part of the comprehensive logistical supply. And this can be done at any time and in any place in the world that combat ships can reach. Up to two ships can be refuelled in parallel at a distance of...
