Category: Shipping

Dreamboat of the labourers

The STOCKHOLM made history with a collision off the American coast. After more than seven eventful decades at sea, the ship is now about to be scrapped. Today's ASTORIA is one of the last historic ocean liners and the oldest ocean cruise ship in the world. Although the SEA CLOUD from 1931 is older, it is rigged with sails. The ASTORIA, whose maiden voyage celebrated its 75th anniversary in February, has been moored in Rotterdam since the start of the pandemic three years ago. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember me Read More

Through thick and thin

The US Coast Guard is making progress on the construction of the new heavy icebreaker class. Bollinger Shipyards began cutting the first steel plates for the first Polar Security Cutter Class (PSC) unit at Bollinger Mississippi Shipbuilding in August. The type ship, the POLAR SENTINEL (PSC-1), is the first heavy icebreaker to be built in the United States in 50 years. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here to subscribe to marineforum digital+: Access to all articles from...

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The specialists

The Kiel-based shipyard group Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems is celebrating a milestone birthday. Founded 185 years ago as the iron foundry and machine shop "Schweffel und Howaldt", the company can look back on an eventful shipyard history. On 1 October 1838, the merchant Johann Schweffel and the "mechanic" August Ferdinand Howaldt founded the Schweffel & Howaldt machine factory and iron foundry at the port of Kiel. This was also the beginning of Kiel's industrialisation. The young company expanded rapidly with a wide range of products from ploughs, boilers and iron household items to railway carriages. Schweffel & Howaldt did not actually plan to build ships. However, during the time of the Schleswig-Holstein uprising, the company built...

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"We will return to the fixed link between platform and crew"

In September 2021, Frigate Captain Kenneth Harms took command of the 1st Corvette Squadron in Warnemünde. Now he is turning his attention to new tasks. In an interview with marineforum, Harms summarises his time in Warnemünde. Your squadron is developing, what will you remember fondly and what worries you? First and foremost, I think back to what constitutes the core responsibility of a squadron commander. I was allowed to be at sea with my crews, accompany training sections and lead tactically. Pursuing every endeavour right up to the last consequence so that the Sea Falcon drone could be reconnoitred and the RBS 15 missile...

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More than just a tender

The Class 404 tenders are due to be replaced in less than ten years. The navy wants the new ships to be able to take on additional tasks. The NVL shipyard has presented an initial draft on this basis. In the target image for the years after 2035, the naval command envisages six support units as successors to the Type 404 tenders. The modular platforms are intended to ensure "organic logistics, operational support including reconnaissance", according to the summary of tasks and capabilities in the Marine 2035+ target vision brochure. In presentations, the package is expanded by representatives of the naval command to include "amphibious, command and control, transport including casualty transport"....

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