Category: Security policy

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To mark its 175th birthday, the German Navy is giving itself a new target image. However, many good ideas stand in the way of just as many problems. In the 175th anniversary year of the German Navy, the inspector of the navy is looking ahead with the publication of its future structure. Vice Admiral Jan C. Kaack said in an interview with the Kieler Nachrichten newspaper: "We want to open up a big bouquet in the 2035+ vision." He is not talking about flagpoles. Rather, he wants the navy to remain fit for the future. All of this is being done in view of the dramatic changes since the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. The focus is on returning to the national...


Fully digital

In the face of multiple threats, Japan is massively arming its navy. The stealth frigates of the Mogami class are of central importance. With over 6800 islands and a coastline of 29,751 kilometres, Japan is one of the largest maritime nations. In addition to the four main islands, smaller island groups in particular ensure that Japan, with a land area of 380,000 square kilometres, has more than 430,000 square kilometres of territorial waters and an exclusive economic zone ten times the size of its land area. In view of Japan's dependence on imports of raw materials, exports of goods and fishing rights, the island nation therefore relies on powerful naval forces, the Japan Maritime Force, for maritime security issues.


Naval vessels as a strategic means of communication

After the Indo-Pacific deployment of the frigate BAYERN, the desire for a further presence far from home has fallen asleep again for the time being. China and Russia, on the other hand, are stepping up their commitment in this direction. The oceans on which navies operate not only divide. They also connect - without the lines of communication at sea, globalisation would not have been possible. Co-operation between navies manifests the relationship between nations. Joint exercises can be an expression of like-mindedness and even partnership. The presence of naval units conveys messages. Sometimes subtle, sometimes very provocative - in the best sense of the word. In terms of political science, the navy is more than just an object of research. With the...


Splicing and rigging

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is having a serious impact on the German Navy. However, the return to national and alliance defence opens up a wide range of opportunities. The German Navy is facing a fundamental change of course with the new era and the 2035+ vision. It should be assertive and well positioned for future challenges. But how should our navy actually be "rigged" for this? And more importantly, how could the German Navy avoid the stovepiping described by Heinz Schulte in the April issue of marineforum and "splice" itself into the future of the Bundeswehr in a meaningful way? The following is an attempt to make a contribution to the practical design of the 2035+ target picture.


Strategic partners

Germany is more dependent on safe sea routes than almost any other nation. The navy and shipping companies work together to ensure the reliable flow of goods across the sea. "A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace." These famous words, spoken by US President Theodore Roosevelt to the US Congress on 2 December 1902, could not be more relevant today. Peace is the basic prerequisite for our current and future prosperity. In order to guarantee this permanently and sustainably, we need freedom and security, which in turn are guaranteed by a wide variety of players. When it comes to the maritime dimension of German security,...
