Category: Armed Forces

The fate of the "Moskva"

Almost 40 years of Soviet-Russian naval history sank into the Black Sea with the cruiser Moskva. A bitter loss for the superpower. On 13 April, Ukraine reported that the Russian missile cruiser Moskva, the type ship of the Slava class, had been hit and fatally damaged by Ukrainian R-360 Neptune missiles. While the background to the fate of the Moskva was initially the subject of intensive information and disinformation campaigns by the Ukrainian and Russian sides, the first swathes of fog were soon lifted. On 14 April, the Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed the sinking of the Moskva and on the following day, a source from US defence circles announced that, according to estimates, the...


Strengthen fighting power

With a new basic document, the inspector is once again focusing on national and alliance defence. Personnel and training are of particular importance. With effect from 25 April, the Chief of Naval Operations, Vice Admiral Jan C. Kaack, has issued the basic document "Intention 2022" for the further development of the naval forces. He wants to refocus the navy on national and alliance defence, increase its operational capability, strengthen its combat strength and thus make the armed forces fit for the future. "Only if we - together with our alliance partners - are better than potential opponents can we credibly deter them. This is the only way to ensure the outcome of a possible...


Knowledge is power

For 140 years, the Office of Naval Intelligence has made an important contribution to the US Navy's information advantage. Today, several thousand employees use traditional methods and state-of-the-art equipment to gain the necessary knowledge. The American naval intelligence service, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), is the oldest foreign intelligence service in the United States. Its mission focuses on collecting and analysing scientific, technological, geopolitical and military information of maritime significance. This reconnaissance and analysis activity primarily serves the United States Naval Forces, but also complements the work of the other 16 foreign intelligence agencies of the United States. The Naval Intelligence Service was founded on 23 March 1882 to provide access marineforum digital+...


Submarines: harvest time for the navy

In recent years, the German submarines have actively contributed to improving submarine hunting procedures. The knowledge gained will also benefit the future frigates 126. Last year, the 1st submarine squadron deployed two submarines simultaneously on two different missions. In addition, a fleet service boat and the MAIN submarine support unit with a command staff were also deployed for just over 70 days. In both very different missions, our weapon systems were able to fully convince as individual operators, but above all in combination. The simultaneous integration of a submarine and a fleet service boat into a sensor reconnaissance network for the first time in 2020 and 2021...


The responsibility of our navy

The Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 has taught us three things in no uncertain terms. Firstly, we are in the middle of a global clash of systems: Democracy, the rule of law and individual liberties are pitted against autocracy and dictatorship with censorship, surveillance and repression. Our social model and our fundamental values pose a direct threat to autocrats and dictators. We are therefore on the way to a quasi-bipolar world order of two camps with China and Russia on one side and the Western community of values on the other. Secondly, Europe is currently not in a position to prevent military aggression on its own soil.
