Category: Technology

Connected sea mine defence

Although with a certain phase shift, the further development of underwater explosives to combat surface vessels and submarines proceeded congruently with the perfection of their defence measures. The principle became established that the use of sea mines and sea mine defence were mutually dependent. In the decades that followed, various means of sea mine defence were developed: trailed mechanical clearing devices for cutting anchor mines, trailed electrodes and sound generators designed to respond to the sensors of bottom mines and, finally, sonar systems that enable the detection of dangerous objects in the water column and on the seabed. In the case of sonar-based mine hunting, the mines are destroyed with the help of underwater drones, usually wire-guided, or by mine divers. A special feature...

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US Navy: American special forces - where size doesn't matter

The American special forces are also considered to be well equipped for deployment in the maritime sector. New developments are intended to significantly improve the existing capabilities. In future, special forces must also be able to operate anywhere in the world and in any operational environment. This includes the ability to combat terrorism and insurgents. Nevertheless, the return of great power rivalry to the centre of US defence strategy means that special forces will also be increasingly geared towards operations against Russia and China. Last but not least, this means an upgrading of the polar regions. These developments affect all US special forces. These are organised in the US Special Operations Command (TSK).

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Tender class 404 - Supply ships of the German Navy

In keeping with our mission #meerverstehen, we want to reach not only the insiders, but also those interested in the navy. That's why we are launching the series "What is actually... " Today: a tender? Definition: A tender boat is actually a dinghy. Anyone who has ever been on a cruise will be familiar with the term, as they often have more than a dozen of them. In the German Navy, however, a tender is a support vessel for the boat squadron. They supply corvettes, minesweepers and even submarines on the high seas with fuel, water, food, spare parts and ammunition. At the same time, they also dispose of waste and have wastewater treatment facilities on board....

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Hamburg can do that

What would the Hanseatic city be without its multifaceted maritime economy? Although naval shipbuilding with its suppliers and service providers is rarely recognised, it is a world-class technology player. The greater Hamburg area has traditionally been a centre of gravity for the maritime industry and economy, be it innovative (naval) shipbuilding, global maritime shipping, the diverse range of ship chandlers and shipbuilding suppliers, effective maritime logistics, the port industry or the world's leading technology providers and users of marine and offshore technology. Together with a comprehensive range of maritime services and world-renowned maritime educational, research and testing facilities as well as maritime associations and organisations, the greater Hamburg area is the location of the maritime industry and economy in Europe....

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Australia: Out of the French submarine construction programme - into AUKUS

There has been irritation in Canberra for some time regarding the defence cooperation with France for the procurement of twelve conventionally powered submarines. Australia has now decided to discontinue its cooperation with the French Naval Group as part of the "Future Submarine Programme". Instead, it has agreed to co-operate with London and Washington on the construction of nuclear-powered submarines. By the end of a 12-minute virtual press conference between US President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on 15 September 2021, the Australian defence landscape had changed from the ground up. Australia is joining a new Indo-Pacific security partnership with the US and the UK...

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