Category: Technology

Prove operational capability

Turning point, return to national and alliance defence. This means that the navy must once again be able to hold its own in high-intensity combat. An important component in achieving this goal is the Multidimensional Naval Warfare Training Centre of Operational Flotilla 2. "Good morning crew, today is Thursday, Weekly War! 'Ginger' will not make it easy for us today. But we'll get through it." This announcement over the ship's loudspeaker system on board a frigate in the sea area around Helgoland suggests an exciting and strenuous day of sweaty work. The frigate is in the German Operational Sea Training German Authorities (Gost GEA).... during its operational training programme to achieve the operational capability level Bravo


Between bust and video wall

The MSM assembly hall is simultaneously a place of learning, a meeting place and the "living room" of the Navy. The current redesign harmonises past and present. Over eight years ago, the then Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Andreas Krause, posed the question in a named article in marineforum as to whether German naval history since 1956 was sufficiently represented in the place that the naval officer corps sometimes refers to as its "living room". Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+...


US Navy commissions 57mm controllable ammunition

Northrop Grumman is developing self-guided munitions for the Mk 110. As reported on 4 October, the US Navy has awarded Northrop Grumman the development contract for a new 57-millimetre guided munition variant. The company has already laid the technical foundations for the ammunition on its own initiative. The contract that has now been awarded will be used for development up to series production and the associated testing. The new shells are intended for use with the Mk 110 deck gun, which is currently deployed on the Navy's Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). The fully automatic gun can be used against both air targets - including UAVs and sea targets - and sea targets....


Fire defence on board: US Navy relies on robot technology

When a devastating fire broke out on the Bonhomme Richard at Naval Base San Diego in mid-July 2020, resulting in the total loss of the carrier ship, it would have been possible to intervene successfully with the automated systems available today. Could have! Of course, the Bonhomme Richard also suffered from hair-raising mistakes in the organisation of the firefighting, which turned this major fire into a catastrophe in the first place. However, the robot technology available today makes it possible to equip and train mobile and stable machines the size of dogs with sensors, effectors and artificial intelligence, which can move on board in decks and over obstacles and steps. They are designed to perform tasks...


Ukraine: Breakthrough power with new diving drones

The surface drones of the Ukrainian naval forces will only be effective as long as the Russian navy has not developed effective defence tactics. The next logical step is to shift the dynamics below the surface. Ammo Ukraine has now used its ingenuity and engineering skills to develop such an underwater drone. Marichka is to be six metres long and have a range of 1000 kilometres. Depending on the payload, it can be used as a means of transport, a reconnaissance sensor or an attack weapon. The media are currently talking about testing - but this is only likely to take up a small window of time, as the real test should be a timely baptism of fire with real hits.
