Category: News

Pirate attack in the Gulf of Guinea

Pirates have once again attacked a ship in the Gulf of Guinea. On 11 March, the Maltese-flagged product tanker Davide B was sailing around 220 miles south-west of Lagos when nine men are believed to have attacked the ship. According to AIS data, the Davide B reduced its speed from 10 to 3 knots, then the automatic identification system was switched off. Only six members of the 21-strong crew were able to escape to the citadel. The 15 remaining sailors were kidnapped and taken off board. After nine hours, the Nigerian supply ship Qua Iboe River was able to join the Davide B. The Davide B was on its way from Riga...


Successful communication test with Nato AGS

Nato's Allied Maritime Command is based in Northwood in the UK. Its Maritime Air Operations Team (Marair) was able to carry out a flight with the NATO Alliance Ground System (AGS) at the end of February, during which communication between the headquarters and the drone was successfully tested. The AGS was located over the central Mediterranean. A communication link was established between Northwood, Sigonella Air Base in Sicily and the NATO Air Command and Combined Air Operations Centre in Torrejon, Spain. The sensor data supplied by the AGS was then compared with the AIS situation picture in Northwood and verified. The additional data provided by the drone...


The lady is swimming again!

After a pit stop of more than five years, the German Navy's sail training ship is back in its element. Problems with the refurbishment, a massive increase in the cost of the shipyard laytime, the legal dispute between the shipyard concerned and the Federal Ministry of Defence and an inspector who stands in front of his crew in the face of press scolding - the German Navy's sail training ship has caused quite a stir in recent times. The Gorch Fock almost caused a defence minister to stumble. In the end, a shipbuilder acknowledged its responsibility to underpin its bond with its customer, the German Navy. In October 2019, the Fr. Lürssen shipyard...


Departure for the Mediterranean

A few hours ago, the Einsatzgruppenversorger (EGV) Berlin left its home port of Wilhelmshaven. Under the command of frigate captain Stefan Klatt, the ship will take over the contingent for Operation Irini in the coming weeks. The focus will be on monitoring the UN arms embargo against Libya. Berlin is authorised to stop and search suspicious ships in the area of operation. In addition, information is to be collected and the export of crude oil and refined petroleum products from the North African country is to be prevented. In this way, Berlin is supporting the Libyan coastguard and navy. Its operational area extends to the high seas outside the coastal seas of Libya and Tunisia. To the...


Out of the filter bubble - Part 2: #wirgegenextremismus

It's only been a week, but it seems as if a paradigm shift has taken place in security policy communication: In the past, major topics, i.e. those that everyone should be talking about, were always dictated by the Federal Ministry of Defence. This has recently been particularly evident in the employer brand campaigns. Since last Tuesday, a campaign has been running that was initiated by soldiers in their role as private individuals: Activists from the so-called #socialmediadivision have taken a political stance under the slogan #weagainstextremism. Supported by images and videos that show the protagonists plus a steadily growing number of followers in an iconic way, they spread...
