Category: Shipping

SMM DIGITAL Successful digital premiere of the world's leading trade fair for the maritime industry

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, SMM, the world's leading trade fair for the maritime industry, was held as a purely digital conference for the first time this year - and with great success. Over four days, SMM DIGITAL captivated participants with two streams, 60 hours of programme and more than 160 speakers. The leitmotif "driving the maritime transition" defined the diverse conference programme: In addition to an exchange on the current corona crisis, the overarching topics of digitalisation and environmental protection dominated the panels, sessions and interviews. The high-calibre industry representatives also took a look at the future of the maritime industry. Host Bernd Aufderheide, President and Chairman of the...


Crew change in the South Atlantic

On 1 February 2021, Lufthansa is launching the longest passenger flight in its history. At the same time, it is one of the most unusual flights the airline has ever carried out. On behalf of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven, the Lufthansa Group's most sustainable aircraft, an Airbus A350-900, will fly 13,700 kilometres non-stop from Hamburg to Mount Pleasant on the Falkland Islands.
